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Collins III v Pioneer Title Insurance Co W Collins H L III   flag 

629 F2d 429
United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit
United States
10th September, 1980

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Harris v State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co 232 F2d 532 United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit United States 29 Feb 1956 WorldLII flag 7
Stipcich v Metropolitan Life Ins Co 277 US 311; 72 L Ed 895; 48 SCt 512 United States Supreme Court United States 21 May 1928 WorldLII flag 44
405 SW 2d 572 405 SW 2d 572 US circa 1956 1
460 SW 2d 366 460 SW 2d 366 US circa 1956 1
70 SW 2d 25 70 SW 2d 25 US circa 1956 1
Castleman Constr Co v Pennington 432 SW 2d 669 US circa 1956 3
Continental Bankers Life Ins Co v Simmons 561 SW 2d 460 US 2
106 SW 2d 227 106 SW 2d 227 US 1
404 SW 2d 265 404 SW 2d 265 US 1
First National Bank of Rogersville v Hawkins County 463 SW 2d 946 US 2
"Title Insurance" (1957) 66 Yale Law Journal 492 Yale Law Journal United States circa 1957 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 2
Fesmire v MFA Mutual Insurance Co 293 FSupp 1214 United States Westlaw flag 2
Memphis Keeley Institute v Keeley Co (C C A) 155 F 964; 16 LRANS 921 United States flag 1

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