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Beauport v Council   flag  7

[1979] ECR 17
European Court Reports

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Federation nationale d'agriculture biologique des regions de France (FNAB), Syndicat europeen des transformateurs et distributeurs de produits de l'agriculture biologique (Setrab) and Est Distribution Biogam SARL v Council of the European Union (Action for annulment) [2000] EUECJ T-268/99 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 11 Jul 2000 BAILII flag
Vereniging van Exporteurs in Levende Varkens and Nederlandse Bond van Waaghouders van Levend Vee v Commission of the European Communities (Live pigs) [1995] EUECJ T-481/93 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 13 Dec 1995 BAILII flag
Government of Gibraltar and Gibraltar Development Corporation v Council of the European Communities (Actions for the annulment of measures) [1993] EUECJ C-397/92 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 12 Jul 1993 BAILII flag
Government of Gibraltar and Gibraltar Development Corporation v Council of the European Communities (Actions for annulment of measures) [1993] EUECJ C-128/91 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 12 Jul 1993 BAILII flag
Government of Gibraltar and Gibraltar Development Corporation v Council of the European Communities (Actions for annulment of measures) [1993] EUECJ C-168/93 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 12 Jul 1993 BAILII flag
Gibraltar Development Corporation v Council of the European Communities (Actions for annulment of measures) [1993] EUECJ C-336/90 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 12 Jul 1993 BAILII flag
Government of Gibraltar v Council of the European Communities (Actions for annulment of measures) [1993] EUECJ C-298/89 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 29 Jun 1993 BAILII flag

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