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Aircraft Industry (Manufacture, Maintenance, Overhaul and Servicing) Award 1971   flag 

[1978] CthArbRp 1853; (1978) 207 CAR 287
Commonwealth Arbitration Reports
Australia - Commonwealth
12th July, 1978

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
198 Car 520 Australia - Commonwealth flag 144
145 Car 359 Australia - Commonwealth flag 25
5 P 0 5 P 0 24
4j PP 0 4J PP 0 United Kingdom flag 1
3 P 73 3 P 73 1
3 P 44 3 P 44 5
P C o' X C P P 3 P 3 35
A & E Rep 3 P 0 47
2 PP 0 2 PP 0 United Kingdom flag 3
Sorensen v R 2 P 0; 11 Moore PC 141; 14 ER 648 Privy Council United Kingdom flag 22
Sec Form of Order, In re McDermott, Law Rep 1 P 0; [1876] Mad Jur 340 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1876 flag 194

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