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Internationale Handelsgesellschaft mbH v Einfuhr – Und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und Futtermittel   flag  4

[1974] 2 CMLR 540
Common Market Law Reports

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title †  Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"Lessons for the WTO From Constitutional Developments in the European Union: Challenges of Legitimacy and the Conceptualization of Authority" (2007) 11 Southern Cross University Law Review 173 Longo, Michael Australia circa 2007 AustLII flag
"Lessons for the WTO From Constitutional Developments in the European Union: Challenges of Legitimacy and the Conceptualization of Authority" [2007] SCULawRw 7 Longo, Michael Australia circa 2007 AustLII flag
"Reconceptualising Public International Law: Convergence with the European Union Model" (2002) 25 University of New South Wales Law Journal 71 Longo, Michael Australia circa 2002 AustLII flag
"Taking Stock: Assessing the Implictions of the Kadi Saga for International Law and the Law of the European Union" (2014) 15 Melbourne Journal of International Law 534 Shirlow, Esme Australia circa 2014 AustLII flag

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