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"The Key to the Application of the Maxim 'Delegatus Non Potest Delegare'"   flag  1

(1972) 2 Auckland University Law Review 85
Thorp, P H
Auckland University Law Review
New Zealand

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Journal Article

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"1984 Revisited - Regulating by Unfettered Discretion: Foley v Padley" (1985) 11 Monash University Law Review 222 Kneebone, Susan Australia circa 1985 AustLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Esmonds Motors Pty Ltd v Commonwealth [1970] HCA 15; (1970) 120 CLR 463; [1970] ALR 673; 44 ALJR 211 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 8 Jun 1970 AustLII flag 29
Arnold v Hunt [1943] HCA 23; (1943) 67 CLR 429; [1943] ALR 340 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 18 Aug 1943 AustLII flag 20
"1984 Revisited - Regulating by Unfettered Discretion: Foley v Padley" (1985) 11 Monash University Law Review 222 Kneebone, Susan Australia circa 1985 AustLII flag
(1958) 1 Maryland Law Review 105 (1958) 1 Maryland Law Review 105 Maryland Law Review United States circa 1958 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 3
F E Jackson and Co Ltd v Price Tribunal SC Wellington [1949] NZGazLawRp 156; [1950] NZLR 433; (1949) 52 GLR 58 New Zealand Gazette Law Reports New Zealand 14 Dec 1949 NZLII flag 4
F E Jackson and Co Ltd v Collector of Customs SC [1939] NZGazLawRp 38; [1939] NZLR 682; [1939] GLR 229; (1939) 1 NZLRLC 441 New Zealand Gazette Law Reports New Zealand 22 May 1939 NZLII flag 21
Godkin v Newman SC Wellington [1928] NZGazLawRp 75; [1928] NZLR 593; (1928) 29 GLR 323 New Zealand Gazette Law Reports New Zealand 19 Jul 1928 NZLII flag 7
Mackay v Adams SC Dunedin [1926] NZGazLawRp 83; [1926] NZLR 518; (1926) 27 GLR 372 New Zealand Gazette Law Reports New Zealand 11 Jun 1926 NZLII flag 6
"Regulation, Prohibition and Subdelegation" (1965) 1 Otago Law Review 97 Otago Law Review New Zealand circa 1965 NZLII flag 3
AG of Canada v Brent [1956] SCR 318; (1956) 2 DLR (2d) 503 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 9 Feb 1956 Supreme Court of Canada flag 6
C f Augustine Farm Dairy v Milk Commission of Ontario (1970) 17 DLR (3d) 155; [1917] NZLR 554 Canada circa 1917 LexisNexis flag 1
[1917] NZLR 554 [1917] NZLR 554 New Zealand circa 1917 LexisNexis flag 15
[1934] NZLR 18 [1934] NZLR 18 New Zealand circa 1934 LexisNexis flag 1
Hawkes Bay Raw Milk Producers' Co-op v NZ Milk Board [1961] NZLR 218 New Zealand circa 1961 LexisNexis flag 15
[1927] NZLR 883 [1927] NZLR 883 New Zealand circa 1927 LexisNexis flag 9
Hodge v R (1883) 9 AC 117 United Kingdom circa 1883 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 107
[1928] NZLR 559 [1928] NZLR 559 New Zealand circa 1928 LexisNexis flag 1
Hookings v Director of Civil Aviation [1957] NZLR 929 New Zealand circa 1957 LexisNexis flag 15
(1943) 21 CBR 257 (1943) 21 CBR 257 Canada circa 1943 flag 2
Knowles v Commissioner of Stamp Duties [1965] NZLR 522 New Zealand circa 1965 LexisNexis flag 2
[1926] NZLR 22 [1926] NZLR 22 New Zealand circa 1926 LexisNexis flag 1
[1917] NZLR 11926 [1917] NZLR 11926 New Zealand circa 1917 LexisNexis flag 1
(1952-1954) 6 Res Jud 294 (1952-1954) 6 Res Jud 294 Australia circa 1954 flag 1
R v College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia (1970) 18 DLR (3d) 197 Canada circa 1970 flag 1
[1927] NZLR 20 [1927] NZLR 20 New Zealand circa 1927 LexisNexis flag 1
(1972) 4 Nztcpa 44 (1972) 4 NZTCPA 44 New Zealand circa 1972 flag 1
Vine v National Dock Labour Board [1956] 1 QB 658; [1957] AC 488; [1956] 3 All ER 939; [1957] 2 WLR 106 United Kingdom circa 1956 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 115
[1928] NZLR 11926 [1928] NZLR 11926 New Zealand circa 1928 LexisNexis flag 1
Croft v Rose [1956] VicLawRp 29; [1956] VLR 684; [1957] ALR 148 Australia - Victoria 8 May 1956 AustLII flag 10

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