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Lekh Raj Khurana, v Union of India   flag  4

[1971] INSC 72; [1971] 3 SCR 908; 1971 1 SCC 780; AIR 1971 SC 2111
Supreme Court of India
3rd March, 1971

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Ex Sepoy Anand Pal v Union of India - CW 17349/2006 [2008] INDLHC 412 High Court of Delhi India 8 Feb 2008 LIIofIndia flag
Director General of Ordnance Services v PN Malhotra 1995 2 JT 98; AIR 1995 SC 1109 Supreme Court of India India 30 Jan 1995 LIIofIndia flag
Union of India v KS Subramanian [1988] INSC 369; 1988 2 SCALE 1546; 1988 4 JT 681; 1989 1 SCC Supl 331; 1988 3 SCR Supl 1074; AIR 1989 SC 662 Supreme Court of India India 15 Dec 1988 LIIofIndia flag
Union of India & Anr v KS Subramanian [1976] INSC 163; (1977) 1 SCR 87; (1976) 3 SCC 677; AIR 1976 SC 2433 Supreme Court of India India 30 Jul 1976 LIIofIndia flag 19

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Mysore v Mhbellary [1964] INSC 95; (1964) 7 SCR 471; AIR 1965 SC 868 Supreme Court of India India 25 Mar 1964 LIIofIndia flag 14
State ,of Uttar Pradesh & Others v Ajodhya Prasad [1961] 2 SCR 671 circa 1961 1
R Venkataro v Secretary of State AIR 1937 PC 31 Privy Council India circa 1937 flag 4

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