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Chung Khiaw Bank Ltd v United Overseas Bank Ltd (Singapore)   flag 

[1970] UKPC 4
Privy Council
United Kingdom
19th January, 1970

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Ng Boo Bee v Khaw Joo Choe, Khaw Sim Tek , Claimants [1916] SSLawRp 1; (1916) 14 SSLR 90 Malaysia - Straits Settlements 7 Apr 1916 CommonLII flag 1
Jones v Barker [1908] UKLawRpCh 148; [1909] 1 Ch 321 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 9 Dec 1908 CommonLII flag 9
Fung Sin Wa v Moi Chan Hen [1897] SSLawRp 8; (1897) 4 SSLR 175 Malaysia - Straits Settlements 23 Aug 1897 CommonLII flag 4
Thomas Joseph Eyre,-Appellant; George McDowell (Official Manager of the Tipperary Joint Stock Bank) and John Wheatley,-Respondents [1861] EngR 859; 9 HLCas 619; 11 ER 871 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1861 CommonLII flag 27
Whitworth v Gaugain [1844] EngR 406; 3 Hare 416; 67 ER 444 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1844 CommonLII flag 19
4 DD 178137 4 DD 178137 Australia - New South Wales flag 1

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