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Ahamed v Aliyar Lebbe - NLR - 73 of 73   flag 

[1969] LKHC 35
High Court of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
18th July, 1969

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1969) 73 NLR 73 (1969) 73 NLR 73 Sri Lanka circa 1969 flag 1
Mahawithana v Commissioner of Inland Revenue - NLR - 217 of 64 [1962] LKSC 19; (1962) 64 NLR 217 Sri Lankan Supreme Court Sri Lanka 28 Jun 1962 AsianLII flag 13
Pryce v Belcher [1847] EngR 692; 4 CB 866; 136 ER 749 United Kingdom circa 1847 CommonLII flag 4

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