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"Tortious Liability for Acts Performed under an Unconstitutional Statute"   flag  6

(1965-1967) 5 Melbourne University Law Review 113
Pannam, Clifford L
Melbourne University Law Review

Cases Referring to this Journal Article

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Kable v New South Wales [2012] NSWCA 243; (2012) 293 ALR 719; (2012) 268 FLR 1 Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Appeal Australia - New South Wales 8 Aug 2012 AustLII flag 33
"The judicial interpretation of section 92 of the Australian Constitution, Volume 2" [1981] UNSWLawTD 2 Coper, Michael Australia circa 1981 AustLII flag

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Journal Article

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"Claims Against the Commonwealth and States and their Instrumentalities in Federal Jurisdiction: Section 64 of the Judiciary Act" (1996) 24 Federal Law Review 93 Kneebone, Susan Australia circa 1996 AustLII flag 10
"Ultra Vires as an Unjust Factor in the Law of Unjust Enrichment" (1993) 2 Griffith Law Review 1 Fitzgerald, Brian Australia circa 1993 AustLII flag 1
"The judicial interpretation of section 92 of the Australian Constitution, Volume 2" [1981] UNSWLawTD 2 Coper, Michael Australia circa 1981 AustLII flag
"Ex parte Daniell and the Operation of Inoperative Laws" (1976) 7 Federal Law Review 66 Katz, Leslie Australia circa 1976 AustLII flag 1
"Unconstitutional Statutes and De Facto Officers" (1966) 2 Federal Law Review 37 Pannam, C L Australia circa 1966 AustLII flag 8

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Judiciary Act (Cth) s32, s51
Dried Fruits Act 1928 (Cth) sTCOCARA1954N45583.PDF.SINO_TEXT
Crown Proceedings Act 1958 (Vic) s23

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"The Recovery of Unconstitutional Taxes in Australia and the United States" (1964) 42 Texas Law Review 777 Texas Law Review United States circa 1964 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 7
(1963) 79 Law Quarterly Review 487 (1963) 79 Law Quarterly Review 487 Law Quarterly Review United Kingdom circa 1963 Westlaw flag 1
McCray v City of Louisville (1960) 332 SW 2d 837 US circa 1960 1
Manson v Wabash Railroad Co (1960) 338 SW 2d 54 US circa 1960 3
Mason v New South Wales [1959] HCA 5; (1959) 102 CLR 108; [1959] ALR 422; 32 ALJR 380 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 27 Feb 1959 AustLII flag 127
(1959) 115 Ne2d 841 (1959) 115 NE2d 841 United States circa 1959 flag 1
[1958] Ch 26 [1958] Ch 26 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1958 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
(1958) 257 f 2 (1958) 257 F 2 circa 1958 1
Darling Island Stevedoring and Lighterage Co Ltd v Long [1957] HCA 26; (1957) 97 CLR 36; [1957] ALR 505 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 3 May 1957 AustLII flag 134
(1957) 42 Iowa Law Review 460 (1957) 42 Iowa Law Review 460 Iowa Law Review United States circa 1957 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
[1957] University of Florida Law Review 226 [1957] University of Florida Law Review 226 University of Florida Law Review United States circa 1957 HeinOnline flag 1
(1956) 10 Southwestern Law Journal 214 (1956) 10 Southwestern Law Journal 214 Southwestern Law Journal United States circa 1956 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 1
(1956) 10 Arkansas Law Review 508 (1956) 10 Arkansas Law Review 508 Arkansas Law Review United States - Arkansas circa 1956 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
(1956) 2 Howard Law Journal 299 (1956) 2 Howard Law Journal 299 Howard Law Journal United States circa 1956 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
Antill Ranger & Co Pty Ltd v Commissioner for Motor Transport [1955] HCA 25; (1955) 93 CLR 83; [1955] ALR 605 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 9 Jun 1955 AustLII flag 40
Attorney-General for New South Wales v Perpetual Trustee Co Ltd [1955] HCA 9; (1955) 92 CLR 113; [1955] ALR 469 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1955 AustLII flag 86
Schwartz, French Administrative Law and The Common Law WwEd [1954] Ch 9 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1954 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
"Tort Liability of the 11 Supra p 126 States" (1954) 29 New York University Law Review 1363 New York University Law Review United States circa 1954 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 2
Poulos v New Hampshire 345 US 395; 30 ALR 2d 987; 97 L Ed 1105; 73 SCt 760 United States Supreme Court United States 8 Jun 1953 WorldLII flag 83
NLRB v Rockaway News Supply Co 345 US 71; 31 ALR 2d 511; 97 L Ed 832; 73 SCt 519; 97 L Ed 2d 832 United States Supreme Court United States 9 Mar 1953 WorldLII flag 86
(1953) 89 CLR 540 (1953) 89 CLR 540 Australia - Commonwealth circa 1953 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 103
Williams v Metropolitan and Export Abattoirs Board [1953] HCA 93; (1953) 89 CLR 66 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1953 AustLII flag 19
Attorney-General (NSW) v Perpetual Trustee Co Ltd [1952] HCA 2; (1952) 85 CLR 237; [1952] ALR 125 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 3 Mar 1952 AustLII flag 189
"Crown Liability in Torts" [1951] Res Judicatae 14 Res Judicatae Australia circa 1951 HeinOnline flag 1
Feres v United States 340 US 135; 95 L Ed 2d 152; 95 L Ed 152; 71 SCt 153 United States Supreme Court United States 4 Dec 1950 WorldLII flag 537
Commonwealth of Australia v Bank of New South Wales [1950] AC 235; [1949] 2 All ER 755 United Kingdom circa 1950 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 121
Bank of New South Wales v Commonwealth [1948] HCA 7; (1948) 76 CLR 1 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 11 Aug 1948 AustLII flag 756
Larson v Domestic and Foreign Corporation (1948) 337 US 683 United States Supreme Court United States circa 1948 Westlaw flag 2
McClintock v The Commonwealth [1947] HCA 39; (1947) 75 CLR 1; [1947] ALR 530 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 23 Oct 1947 AustLII flag 60
Little v Commonwealth [1947] HCA 24; (1947) 75 CLR 94; [1947] ALR 483 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 11 Jul 1947 AustLII flag 118
"Tort Actions against the Federal Government" (1946) 41 Columbia Law Review 722 Columbia Law Review United States circa 1946 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
Marine Board of Launceston v Minister of State for the Navy [1945] HCA 42; (1945) 70 CLR 518; [1946] ALR 61 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 14 Dec 1945 AustLII flag 32
Arthur Yates & Co Pty Ltd v Vegetable Seeds Committee [1945] HCA 55; (1945) 72 CLR 37; [1945] ALR 474; (1945) 19 ALJR 276; 29 P 67 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 21 Nov 1945 AustLII flag 125
Dolton v Harms (1945) 63 NE2d 715 United States circa 1945 flag 1
Minister of State for the Army v Dalziel [1944] HCA 4; (1944) 68 CLR 261; [1944] ALR 89 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 Mar 1944 AustLII flag 245
South Australia v The Commonwealth [1942] HCA 14; (1942) 65 CLR 373; [1942] ALR 186; (1942) 7 ATD 1 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 23 Jul 1942 AustLII flag 271
"Tort Claims against State Governments" [1942] Law and Contemporary Problems 242 Law and Contemporary Problems United States circa 1942 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
Chicot County Drainage District v Baxter State Bank 308 US 371; 84 L Ed 329; 60 SCt 317 United States Supreme Court United States 2 Jan 1940 WorldLII flag 256
(1940) 129 ALR 941 (1940) 129 ALR 941 Australia circa 1940 LexisNexis AU flag 1
Field v Nott [1939] HCA 41; (1939) 62 CLR 660 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 20 Dec 1939 AustLII flag 31
James v Commonwealth [1939] HCA 9; (1939) 62 CLR 339; [1939] ALR 141 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 16 Apr 1939 AustLII flag 133
Erie R Co v Tompkins 304 US 64; 82 L Ed 2d 1188; 82 L Ed 1188; 58 SCt 817; 202 Va 64 United States Supreme Court United States 25 Apr 1938 WorldLII flag 3554
Werrin v The Commonwealth [1938] HCA 3; (1938) 59 CLR 150; [1938] ALR 268; 4 ATD 441 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1938 AustLII flag 99
Riverina Transport Pty Ltd v Victoria [1937] HCA 33; (1937) 57 CLR 327; [1937] ALR 374 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 28 Jul 1937 AustLII flag 55
Riverina Transvort Pty Ltd v Victoria (1937) 57 CLR 527 Australia - Commonwealth circa 1937 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 1
James v The Commonwealth [1936] HCA 32; (1936) 55 CLR 1; [1936] ALR 333 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1936 AustLII flag 84
"Powers" (1932) 3 Political Quarterly 346 Political Quarterly United Kingdom circa 1932 flag 1
James v Cowan [1930] HCA 48; (1930) 43 CLR 386; 36 ALR 125 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 21 Mar 1930 AustLII flag 59
Frost v Corporation Commission 278 US 515; 73 L Ed 483; 49 SCt 235 United States Supreme Court United States 18 Feb 1929 WorldLII flag 41
Roberts v Roane County (1929) 23 SW 2d 239 US circa 1929 1
(1929) 61 ALR 1153 (1929) 61 ALR 1153 Australia circa 1929 LexisNexis AU flag 1
(1928) 55 ALR 282 (1928) 55 ALR 282 Australia circa 1928 LexisNexis AU flag 1
"The Effect of an Unconstitutional Statute in the Law of Pyblic Officers" (1928) 77 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 155 University of Pennsylvania Law Review United States circa 1928 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 2
"Public Officers Right to Question the Constitutionality of Statute in Mandamus Proceedings" (1928-29) 42 Harvard Law Review 1071 Harvard Law Review United States circa 1928 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
(1927) 11 Minnesota Law Review 585 (1927) 11 Minnesota Law Review 585 Minnesota Law Review United States circa 1927 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 2
(1924) 30 ALR 378 (1924) 30 ALR 378 Australia circa 1924 LexisNexis AU flag 1
(1921) 131 ALR 1344 (1921) 131 ALR 1344 Australia circa 1921 LexisNexis AU flag 2
Zachariassen v The Commonwealth [1917] HCA 77; (1917) 24 CLR 166; 24 ALR 81 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 20 Dec 1917 AustLII flag 38
Fowles v Eastern and Australian Steamship Co Ltd [1913] HCA 31; (1913) 17 CLR 149; [1913] ALR 329 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 16 Jun 1913 AustLII flag 15
Chicago, I & L R Co v Hackett 228 US 559; 57 L Ed 966; 33 SCt 581 United States Supreme Court United States 5 May 1913 WorldLII flag 18
"Unconstitutionality of a Statute as Defence to Mandamus against a Public Officer" (1911) 72 Central Law Journal 301 Central Law Journal United States circa 1911 HeinOnline flag 1
University of Utah v Candland (1909) 104 P 285 circa 1909 1
Enever v R [1906] HCA 3; (1906) 3 CLR 969; 12 ALR 592 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 12 Mar 1906 AustLII flag 219
Bohri v Barnett (1906) 144 FED 389 circa 1906 1
Allison v Cwker [1902] NJL 596 New Jersey Law Reports United States - New Jersey circa 1902 flag 1
In re Tyler 149 US 167; 149 US 164; 37 L Ed 689; 13 SCt 785 United States Supreme Court United States 24 Apr 1893 WorldLII flag 40
Dexter v Alfred (1892) 19 NYS 770 United States - New York circa 1892 flag 1
Brooks v Mangan (1891) 491 NW 633 United States circa 1891 flag 1
(1888) 15 Atl 49 (1888) 15 ATL 49 United States circa 1888 flag 1
Norton v Shelby County 118 US 441; 118 US 425; 30 L Ed 178; 6 SCt 1121; 30 L Ed I78 United States Supreme Court United States 10 May 1886 WorldLII flag 123
Poindexter v Greenhow 114 US 270; 29 L Ed 185; 5 SCt 903 United States Supreme Court United States 20 Apr 1885 WorldLII flag 59
Cunningham v Macon & Brunswick R Co 109 US 446; 27 L Ed 992; 3 SCt 292 United States Supreme Court United States 3 Dec 1883 WorldLII flag 40
Henke v McCord (1880) 7 NW 623; 55 Iowa 378 United States circa 1880 flag 2
Gross v Rice (1880) 71 Me 241 United States - Maine circa 1880 flag 1
(1879) 36 Am Rep 1 (1879) 36 Am Rep 1; 34 Ark 105 United States circa 1879 flag 2
Board of Liquidation v McComb 92 US 531; 23 L Ed 623 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Oct 1875 WorldLII flag 32
(1875) 19 Am Rep 718 (1875) 19 Am Rep 718 United States circa 1875 flag 1
Clark v Miller (1874) 54 NY 528 United States - New York circa 1874 flag 2
(1874) 47 Ind 150 (1874) 47 Ind 150 United States circa 1874 flag 1
(1866) 11 Minn 223 (1866) 11 Minn 223 United States - Minnesota circa 1866 flag 1
Tobin v R [1864] EngR 21; (1864) 16 CBNS 310; (1864) 33 LJCP 199; 143 ER 1148; 1 CBNS 310 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1864 CommonLII flag 81
Thomas Eales Rogers,-Appellant; Rajendro Dutt, ,-Respondents [1860] EngR 938; (1860) 13 Moore PC 209; 15 ER 78; 3 LT 160; 9 WR 149 Privy Council United Kingdom circa 1860 CommonLII flag 16
Ortman v Greenman (1856) 4 Mich 291 United States - Michigan circa 1856 flag 1
Cobbett v Grey (1849) 4 Exch 729; 154 ER 1409; 19 LJEx 137 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1849 flag 24
Henly v Mayor of Lime (1828) 5 Bing 91 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1828 flag 59
Henly v The Mayor and Burgesses of Lyme [1828] EngR 701; 130 ER 995; 3 Moo & P 278; 6 LJCP 0; 1 Bing NC 222 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1828 CommonLII flag 31
Osborn v Bank of the United States 22 US 738; 6 L Ed 204; 9 Wheat 326; 7 Cranch 32; 13 Pet 587; 3 L Ed 2d 259; 9 Wheat 738; 1 Wash 235 United States Supreme Court United States 13 Feb 1812 WorldLII flag 519
Warne v Varley and Two Others [1795] EngR 4198; 101 ER 639; (1795) 6 TR 443 United Kingdom circa 1795 CommonLII flag 6
R vers Potter et Alios [1790] EngR 1492; 2 Ld Raym 937; 92 ER 126 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1790 CommonLII flag 44
Mostyn v Fabrigas [1774] EngR 104; 98 ER 1021; (1774) 1 Cowp 161; 1 Sm LC 658 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1774 CommonLII flag 66
Leach v Money (1765) 19 St Tr 1001 United Kingdom circa 1765 flag 24
Dr Bonham's Case [1572] EngR 107; 77 ER 646; (1572-1616) 8 Co Rep 113 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1572 CommonLII flag 45
Williams v City of Detroit 364 Mich 231; 111 NW2d 1; 111 NW 2 United States - Michigan flag 9
Parker v Port Huron Hospital 361 Mich 1; 105 NW2d 1; 105 NW 2 United States - Michigan flag 6
Wichita County v Robinson 276 SW 2d 509 US 3
Bricker v Sims 259 SW 2d 661 US 3
Golden v Thompson 194 Miss 241; 11 So2d 906 United States - Mississippi flag 7
173 ALR 802 173 ALR 802 Australia LexisNexis AU flag 1
Birdsall v Smith 158 Mich 390; 122 NW 626 United States - Michigan flag 5
116 US 626 116 US 626 United States Supreme Court United States Westlaw flag 1
83 Am Dec 50 83 Am Dec 50 United States flag 1
Smith v Costello 77 Idaho 205; 290 P2d 742; 56 ALR 2d 1020 United States - Idaho flag 3
"Suits against Governments and Officers: Damage Actions" 77 Harvard Law Review 209 Harvard Law Review United States HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 30
"Suits against Governments and Officers: Sovereign Immunity" 77 Harvard Law Review 1 Harvard Law Review United States HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 41
Nelungaloo Pty Ltd v The Commonwealth 75 CLR 495; [1948] HCA 51 Australia - Commonwealth Legal Online / Westlaw flag 157
61 Am Dec 381 61 Am Dec 381; 1 Gray 50 United States flag 2
52 Atl 362 52 ATL 362 United States flag 1
"Governmental Responsibility in Tort, VI" 36 Yale Law Journal 1 Yale Law Journal United States HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 9
"Government Liability in Tort" 34 Yale Law Journal 1 Yale Law Journal United States HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 15
31 Kelly 7 31 Kelly 7 United States - Georgia flag 1
28 USC 5 28 USC 5 United States Code United States LII (Cornell) flag 30
"Theories of Government Responsibility in Tort" 28 Columbia Law Review 734 Columbia Law Review United States HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 3
"Tort Liability of Governmental Units and their Officers" 22 University of Chicago Law Review 610 University of Chicago Law Review United States HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 4
"Tort Liability of Administrative Officers" 21 Minnesota Law Review 263 Minnesota Law Review United States HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 5
11 Am Jur 5 11 Am Jur 5 United States flag 1
2 AC 262 2 AC 262 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 24
1 Ky 981 1 Ky 981 United States - Kentucy flag 1
1 Ch 73 1 Ch 73 Court of Chancery United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 8

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