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Seth Banarsi Das v Wealth Tax Officer, Special Circle Meerut   flag  4

[1964] INSC 283; 1965 2 SCR 355; AIR 1965 SC 1387
Supreme Court of India
8th December, 1964

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Ghodawat Pan Masala Products v Maharashtra - en WRIT PETITION [2002] INMHHC 254 High Court of Judicature at Bombay India 14 Aug 2002 LIIofIndia flag
K Ravindranath v Government of Andhra Pradesh - WPNo 26465 of 1996 [2002] INAPHC 264 High Court of Andhra Pradesh India - Andhra Pradesh 2 Jul 2002 LIIofIndia flag
Union of India & Anr v Asanyasi Rao [1996] INSC 245; (1996) 3 SCC 465; 1996 2 SCALE 280; 1996 2 JT 425; AIR 1996 SC 1219 Supreme Court of India India 13 Feb 1996 LIIofIndia flag 5
Indian Aluminium Co v Kerala & CRS [1996] INSC 172; 1996 1 SCALE 780; 1996 2 JT 85; AIR 1996 SC 1431 Supreme Court of India India 2 Feb 1996 LIIofIndia flag 1
Union of India v H S Dhillon [1971] INSC 292; [1972] 2 SCR 33; (1971) 2 SCC 779; AIR 1972 SC 1061 Supreme Court of India India 21 Oct 1971 LIIofIndia flag 31

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1969] SC 59 [1969] SC 59 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1969 flag 2
Navnitlal C Javeri v K K Sen, Assistant Commissioner Ofincome-Tax [1964] INSC 241; [1965] 1 SCR 909; AIR 1965 SC 1375 Supreme Court of India India 28 Oct 1964 LIIofIndia flag 12
Mahavir Prasad Badridas v Yagnik, II WTO (1959) 37 ITR 191 circa 1959 2
[1955] 1 SCR 829 [1955] 1 SCR 829 circa 1955 31
United Provinces v Atiqa Begum [1940] FCR 110 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 1940 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 39
53 Itr 504 53 ITR 504 circa 1965 1
52 Itr 372 52 ITR 372 circa 1965 2
40 Itr 567 40 ITR 567 circa 1965 2
Commissioner of Income-Tax v Sodra Devi 32 ITR 615 circa 1965 6

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