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Shrimant Appasaheb Tuljaram Desai v Bhalchandra Vithalrao Thube   flag  1

[1960] INSC 183; 1961 2 SCR 163; AIR 1961 SC 589
Supreme Court of India
28th October, 1960

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
A Govindan, S/o Kanaran v KK Govinda Rajan, Raja Sree - CRP [2007] INKLHC 8394 High Court of Kerala India - Kerala 24 May 2007 LIIofIndia flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Air 1958 All 561 AIR 1958 All 561 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1958 flag 1
[1947] Bom 687 [1947] Bom 687 India - Maharashtra circa 1947 flag 1
(1946) 49 BLR 867 (1946) 49 BLR 867 circa 1946 1
[1944] Ilr 23 [1944] ILR 23 circa 1944 1
[1939] Ilr 21 [1939] ILR 21 circa 1939 1
[1938] Nag 461 [1938] Nag 461 India - Maharashtra circa 1938 flag 2
[1937] Mad 777 [1937] Mad 777 India circa 1937 flag 3
Air 1935 All 448 AIR 1935 All 448 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1935 flag 2
Satyanarayana v Chinna Venkata Rao [1925] ILR 49 circa 1925 6

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