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Silverline Bus Co , Ltd v Kandy Omnibus Co , Ltd - NLR - 193 of 58   flag 

[1956] LKHC 42
High Court of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
14th December, 1956

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Income Tax Act, 1918 (Cth)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Silverline Bus Co Ltd v Kandy Omnibus Co Ltd (1956) 58 NLR 193 Sri Lanka circa 1956 flag 10
R v Northumberland Compensation Appeal Tribunal ex Parte Shaw [1952] 1All ER 122 United Kingdom circa 1952 CommonLII flag 9
Kodakan Pillai, GSN v Mudanayake, PB - NLR - 350 of 54 [1951] LKSC 1; (1951) 54 NLR 350 Sri Lankan Supreme Court Sri Lanka 25 Oct 1951 AsianLII flag 4
Controller of Textiles v Mohamed Miya - NLR - 105 of 49 [1948] LKSC 4; (1948) 49 NLR 105 Sri Lankan Supreme Court Sri Lanka 16 Jan 1948 AsianLII flag 4
Settlement Office v Vander Poorten - NLR - 436 of 43 [1942] LKCA 67; 43 NLR 436 Sri Lankan Court of Appeal Sri Lanka 14 Jul 1942 AsianLII flag 11
RM AR AR RM v The Comissioner of Income Tax - NLR - 447 of 37 [1935] LKSC 6; 37 NLR 447 Sri Lankan Supreme Court Sri Lanka 20 Dec 1935 AsianLII flag 5
Sockalingam Chetty v Manikam - NLR - 65 of 32 [1930] LKCA 54; 32 NLR 65 Sri Lankan Court of Appeal Sri Lanka 15 Apr 1930 AsianLII flag 3
Soertsz v Colombo Municipal Council - NLR - 62 of 32 [1930] LKCA 10; (1930) 32 NLR 62 Sri Lankan Court of Appeal Sri Lanka 31 Mar 1930 AsianLII flag 8
Subramaniam Cretty v Soysa - NLR - 344 of 25 [1923] LKCA 7; 25 NLR 344 Sri Lankan Court of Appeal Sri Lanka 18 Dec 1923 AsianLII flag 11
Onslow v Commissioners of Inland Revenue (No 2) [1890] UKLawRpKQB 137; (1890) 25 QBD 465; 59 LJQB 556 Queen's Bench United Kingdom 25 Oct 1890 CommonLII flag 35
Re Dillet [1887] UKLawRpAC 13; (1887) 12 AC 459 United Kingdom 19 Mar 1887 CommonLII flag 27
In Re Faithfull, Ex P Moore [1885] UKLawRpKQB 16; 14 QBD 627; 2 Mor 52; 54 LJQB 100; 52 LT 459 United Kingdom 20 Feb 1885 CommonLII flag 30
Theberge v Laudry (1876) 2 AC 102 United Kingdom circa 1876 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 32
R, on the Prosecution of the Bombay Government, v Samuel Stephenson, Alloo Paroo, [1847] EngR 658; 13 ER 504; (1847) 5 Moore PC 296 Privy Council United Kingdom circa 1847 CommonLII flag 6
(2) In re Goonesingha 44 NLR 75 Sri Lanka flag 9
Secretary of State for India v Chelikani Rama Rao 85 LJPC 222; (1916) LR 43 Ind Apps 192 India flag
3 Lorenz 234 3 Lorenz 234 Sri Lanka flag 2
2 WLR 585 2 WLR 585 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
2 All Er 170 2 All ER 170 United Kingdom LexisNexis flag 5
1 All Er 1175 1 All ER 1175 United Kingdom LexisNexis flag 2
1 All Er 226 1 All ER 226 United Kingdom LexisNexis flag 8

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