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Commissioner of Excess Profits Tax, Madras v Messrs Goculdoss Jamnadoss and Co, 229 China Bazar Road, Madras   flag 

[1949] AllINRprMad 327; [1950] AIR Mad 773
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
14th December, 1949

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1948] Bom 425 [1948] Bom 425 India - Maharashtra circa 1948 flag 1
[1948-16] Itb 192 [1948-16] ITB 192 Australia circa 1948 flag 1
Ramasastrulu v Balakrishna Rao, I L R [1943] Mad 83 India circa 1943 flag 11
[1943] Mad 88 [1943] Mad 88 India circa 1943 flag 1
[1942] Mad 632 [1942] Mad 632 India circa 1942 flag 1
Venkata Reddi v Suryanarayana- (A I R (^9) [1942] Mad 682 India circa 1942 flag 6
Ganeshi Lai v Oharan Singh [1930] P 0 circa 1930 20
54 Bom 216 54 Bom 216 India - Maharashtra circa 1942 flag 3
Setti v Ghidaraboyina 26 Mad 214 India circa 1942 flag 4
Empress v Paul 20 Mad 12 India circa 1942 flag 3
10 Itr 192 10 ITR 192 circa 1942 1

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