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Perpetual Trustee Co (Ltd) v Pryde   flag  2

[1948] NSWStRp 65; (1948) 49 SR (NSW) 203; 66 WN (NSW) 70
Supreme Court of New South Wales
Australia - New South Wales
8th October, 1948

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
King v Perpetual Trustee Co (Ltd) [1955] HCA 70; (1955) 94 CLR 70; [1956] ALR 64 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 15 Dec 1955 AustLII flag 29
Hughes (decd), Re [1968] VicRp 4; [1968] VR 28 Australia - Victoria 14 Aug 1967 AustLII flag

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Justices Act, 1902 (NSW)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Jones, Re; Harris v Jones [1910] ArgusLawRp 51; [1910] VicLawRp 32; [1910] VLR 306; 16 ALR 266; 32 ALT 3 Argus Law Reports Australia 3 Jun 1910 AustLII flag 5
Re Alcock [1945] Ch 264; [1945] 1 All ER 613 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1945 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 5
Re Cossentine [1933] Ch 119 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1933 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 6
Harper, In re; Plowman v Harper [1913] UKLawRpCh 105; [1914] 1 Ch 70 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 23 Oct 1913 CommonLII flag 10
Walbran, In re; Milner v Walbran [1905] UKLawRpCh 128; [1906] 1 Ch 64 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 18 Nov 1905 CommonLII flag 12
(1847) 16 LJCh 484 (1847) 16 LJCh 484 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1847 flag 1
1 Ch 70 1 Ch 70 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1906 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 6
King v Perpetual Trustee Co (Ltd) [1955] HCA 70; (1955) 94 CLR 70; [1956] ALR 64 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 15 Dec 1955 AustLII flag 29
Donaldson v Freeson [1934] HCA 13; (1934) 51 CLR 598; [1934] ALR 250 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 23 May 1934 AustLII flag 25
Victorian Stevedoring and General Contracting Co Pty Ltd and Meakes v Dignan [1931] HCA 34; (1931) 46 CLR 73; 38 ALR 22 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 2 Nov 1931 AustLII flag 613
Evans v Turner SC Christchurch [1904] NZGazLawRp 101; (1904) 23 NZLR 825; (1904) 7 GLR 8 New Zealand Gazette Law Reports New Zealand 22 Jun 1904 NZLII flag 2
2 All Er 961 2 All ER 961 United Kingdom circa 1931 LexisNexis flag 9
Re Hall (1948) 64 TLR 243 United Kingdom circa 1948 LexisNexis flag 2
[1969] 2all Er 131 [1969] 2ALL ER 131 United Kingdom circa 1969 CommonLII flag 6
(1875) 1 AC 39 (1875) 1 AC 39 United Kingdom circa 1875 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 6
[1948] 2 All Er 131 [1948] 2 All ER 131 United Kingdom circa 1948 LexisNexis flag 3
Re Prosser [1929] WN 85 United Kingdom circa 1929 flag 2
Perrin v Morgan [1943] AC 399; [1943] 1 All ER 187 United Kingdom circa 1943 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 247
Tasmania [1890] UKLawRpAC 20; (1890) 15 AC 223 United Kingdom 22 May 1890 CommonLII flag 74
(1945) 173 LT 315 (1945) 173 LT 315 United Kingdom circa 1945 flag 1
Capes v Dalton (1902) 86 LT 129 United Kingdom circa 1902 flag 3
Kekewich v Barker 88 LT 130 United Kingdom circa 1931 flag 6
Williams v Yates [1837] EngR 902; 47 ER 454; [1837] Coop Pr Cas 177 United Kingdom circa 1837 CommonLII flag 1
Hughes (decd), Re [1968] VicRp 4; [1968] VR 28 Australia - Victoria 14 Aug 1967 AustLII flag
Dey v Mayo [1920] 2 KB 346 United Kingdom circa 1920 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 2
In re Robert Wallace deceased (1888) 7 NZLR 69 New Zealand circa 1888 LexisNexis flag 1

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