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Mahomed Abdul Jabbar v Lalmia   flag 

[1946] AllINRprNag 54; [1947] ILR Nag 328; [1947] AIR Nag 254
All India Reporter - Nagpur
India - Maharashtra
31st July, 1946

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Ardeshir H Mama v Flora Sassoon AIR 1928 PC 208 Privy Council India circa 1928 flag 12
Air AIR 1928 PC 208 Privy Council India circa 1928 flag 11
52 Bom 5972 52 Bom 5972 India - Maharashtra circa 1928 flag 2
52 Bom 597 52 Bom 597 India - Maharashtra flag 3
38 Cal 458 38 Cal 458 United States - California flag 5
15 CWN 4201 15 CWN 4201 India circa 1928 flag 1
15 CWN 420 15 CWN 420 India flag 2
9 IC 525 9 IC 525 United Kingdom flag 2

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