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Abattoirs Industrial Board Case   flag  2

[1942] SAIndRp 3; (1942-1943) 17 SAIR 24
South Australian Industrial Reports
Australia - South Australia
2nd March, 1942

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Trustee Officers Case [1945] SAIndRp 11; (1945) 19 SAIR 106 South Australian Industrial Reports Australia - South Australia 5 Jun 1945 AustLII flag
Public School Teachers Case [1944] SAIndRp 15; 18 SAIR 107 South Australian Industrial Reports Australia - South Australia 18 Sep 1944 AustLII flag 4

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union v W Allenby and Co Pty Ltd [1941] CthArbRp 492; (1941) 46 CAR 260 Commonwealth Arbitration Reports Australia - Commonwealth 23 Dec 1941 AustLII flag 1
Federated Storemen and Packers Union of Australia and The Australian Mercantile Land and Finance Co Ltd [1941] CthArbRp 463; 46 CAR 135 Commonwealth Arbitration Reports Australia - Commonwealth 15 Dec 1941 AustLII flag 2
Transport Workers Union of Australia v Amalgamated Dairies Pty Ltd [1941] CthArbRp 421; (1941) 45 CAR 639 Commonwealth Arbitration Reports Australia - Commonwealth 17 Nov 1941 AustLII flag 2
Government General Construction Workers Board Case (No 1) [1941] SAIndRp 28; 16 SAIR 326 South Australian Industrial Reports Australia - South Australia 14 Oct 1941 AustLII flag 1
Food Preservers Union of Australia and Brookes Lemos Ltd [1941] CthArbRp 358; 45 CAR 343 Commonwealth Arbitration Reports Australia - Commonwealth 13 Oct 1941 AustLII flag 2
Manufacturing Grocers Employees Federation of Australia and G Mowling and Son Pty Ltd [1941] CthArbRp 320; (1941) 45 CAR 263 Commonwealth Arbitration Reports Australia - Commonwealth 3 Sep 1941 AustLII flag 2
Manufacturing Grocers Employees Federation of Australia and Maize Products Pty Ltd [1941] CthArbRp 253; (1941) 45 CAR 51 Commonwealth Arbitration Reports Australia - Commonwealth 28 Jul 1941 AustLII flag 1
North Australian Workers Union and H A Willmott and Co Ltd [1941] CthArbRp 203; (1941) 44 CAR 834 Commonwealth Arbitration Reports Australia - Commonwealth 27 Jun 1941 AustLII flag 1
Amalgamated Engineering Union and Other Organizations of Employees and The Metal Trades Employers Association and Its Members and Other Employers In The Engineering and Metal Trades Industries [1941] CthArbRp 133; (1941) 44 CAR 564 Commonwealth Arbitration Reports Australia - Commonwealth 16 May 1941 AustLII flag 3
Coopers Case [1937] SAIndRp 29; 14 SAIR 200 South Australian Industrial Reports Australia - South Australia 30 Nov 1937 AustLII flag 6
Bakers' Board Case [1924] SAIndRp 17; (1924) 7 SAIR 74 South Australian Industrial Reports Australia - South Australia 8 May 1924 AustLII flag 2
Butchers' Board Case 13 SAIR 273 Australia - South Australia circa 1941 flag 1
Gaol and Prison Guards and Warders Case 12 SAIR 296 Australia - South Australia circa 1941 flag 1

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