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M Kothandapani Mudaliar v Dhanammal   flag 

[1942] AllINRprMad 139; [1943] AIR Mad 253
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
22nd September, 1942

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1930] Mad 239 [1930] Mad 239 India circa 1930 flag 4
Kothandapani v Dhanammal (Kunhi "Raman J) v Madras 258 a to take as the date from which limitation habitation It can only amount to a promise e begins to run the date at which the last of to compensate a person who has voluntarily these creditors became aware of the transac rendered service for the promisor within the tion and it is impossible that all the creditors meaning of S 25, cl (2), Contract Act, and of the insolvent were all aware of the trans as such it is a valid contract He concedes action so long ago as 1932 In the result the that the Bombay High Court has taken a appeal must fail and is dismissed with costs different view in the cases in 25 Bom L R (Leave refused) 2522 and 44 Bom 5423 India - Maharashtra circa 1930 flag 1
[1930] Mad 956 [1930] Mad 956 India circa 1930 flag 1
[1924] Bom 135 [1924] Bom 135 India - Maharashtra circa 1924 flag 3
(1920) 44 Bom 542 (1920) 44 Bom 542 India - Maharashtra circa 1920 flag 4
[1920] Bom 142 [1920] Bom 142 India - Maharashtra circa 1920 flag 1
128 IC 689 128 IC 689 United Kingdom circa 1930 flag 1
86 IC 240 86 IC 240 United Kingdom flag 1
59 MLJ 596 59 MLJ 596 Malaysia circa 1930 LexisNexis flag 1
57 IC 472 57 IC 472 United Kingdom flag 1
25 Bom LR 252 25 Bom LR 252 India - Maharashtra flag 1
22 Bom LR 762 22 Bom LR 762 India - Maharashtra flag 1
13 MLJ 7 13 MLJ 7 Malaysia LexisNexis flag 2

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