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R v Poole; Ex parte Henry [No 2]   flag  57

[1939] HCA 19; (1939) 61 CLR 634; [1939] ALR 269
High Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
19th May, 1939

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
YBFZ v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs [2024] HCA 40 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 6 Nov 2024 AustLII flag 1
Thoms v Commonwealth of Australia [2022] HCA 20; 401 ALR 529; (2022) 96 ALJR 635 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 8 Jun 2022 AustLII flag 18
Clubb v Edwards [2019] HCA 11; (2019) 267 CLR 171; (2019) 366 ALR 1; (2019) 93 ALJR 448 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 Apr 2019 AustLII flag 110
Raschke v Firinauskas [2018] SACAT 19 South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Australia - South Australia 5 Jun 2018 AustLII flag 29
Tajjour v New South Wales [2014] HCA 35; (2014) 254 CLR 508; 313 ALR 221; (2014) 241 A Crim R 381; (2014) 88 ALJR 860 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 8 Oct 2014 AustLII flag 116
Attorney-General (SA) v Corporation of the City of Adelaide [2013] HCA 3; (2013) 249 CLR 1; (2013) 295 ALR 197; (2013) 87 ALJR 289; (2013) 192 LGERA 185 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 27 Feb 2013 AustLII flag 189
Paterson v MacPherson; Zacharakis v MacPherson [2011] SASCFC 49 Supreme Court of South Australia - Full Court Australia - South Australia 27 May 2011 AustLII flag 1
Heli-Aust Pty Ltd v Cahill [2011] FCAFC 62; (2011) 194 FCR 502; (2011) 277 ALR 332; (2011) 204 IR 173 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 11 May 2011 AustLII flag 13
Racing New South Wales v Sportsbet Pty Ltd [2010] FCAFC 132; (2010) 189 FCR 448; (2010) 274 ALR 12 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 17 Nov 2010 AustLII flag 4
Pape v FCT [2009] HCA 23; (2009) 238 CLR 1; (2009) 257 ALR 1; (2009) 83 ALJR 765; (2009) 72 ATR 580; [2009] ATC 20-116 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 7 Jul 2009 AustLII flag 221
Tervonen v Minister for Justice and Customs (No 2) [2007] FCA 1684; 98 ALD 589 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 6 Nov 2007 AustLII flag 23
Vanstone v Clark [2005] FCAFC 189; (2005) 147 FCR 299; 224 ALR 666; 88 ALD 520 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 6 Sep 2005 AustLII flag 77
Baker v R [2004] HCA 45; (2004) 223 CLR 513; (2004) 210 ALR 1; (2004) 78 ALJR 1483 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 1 Oct 2004 AustLII flag 886
Sportodds Systems Pty Ltd v New South Wales [2003] FCAFC 237; (2003) 133 FCR 63; (2003) 202 ALR 98 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 29 Oct 2003 AustLII flag 40
Foxtel Management Pty Ltd v Australian Competition and Consumer Commission [2000] FCA 589; 173 ALR 362 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 8 May 2000 AustLII flag 41
R v Field [1996] QCA 477 Supreme Court of Queensland - Court of Appeal Australia - Queensland 29 Nov 1996 AustLII flag 1
Kevin Graham Lowe Appellant/Husband and Maureen Frances Harrington Cross-Appellant/Wife and Attorney General of the Commonwealth Intervener [1995] FamCA 12 Family Court of Australia Australia 14 Mar 1995 AustLII flag
Cunliffe v The Commonwealth [1994] HCA 44; (1994) 182 CLR 272; (1994) 124 ALR 120; (1994) 68 ALJR 791 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 12 Oct 1994 AustLII flag 374
New South Wales v Commonwealth (S06/1992) ("Australian Capital Television") - Reasons for Judgment, Full Court (Pamphlet) [1992] HCASCF 94 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 30 Sep 1992 AustLII flag
Re Jonsson and Marine Council (No 2) [1990] AATA 192; (1990) 12 AAR 323 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 20 Aug 1990 AustLII flag 27
Re Tracey; Ex parte Ryan [1989] HCA 12; (1989) 166 CLR 518; (1989) 84 ALR 1; 63 ALJR 250; 16 ALD 730 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 Feb 1989 AustLII flag 199
State Chamber of Commerce and Industry v The Commonwealth The Second Fringe Benefits Tax Case [1987] HCA 38; (1987) 163 CLR 329; 73 ALR 161; (1987) 19 ATR 103; 61 ALJR 459 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 2 Sep 1987 AustLII flag 109
Miller v TCN Channel Nine Pty Ltd [1986] HCA 60; (1986) 161 CLR 556; (1986) 67 ALR 321; (1986) 60 ALJR 698 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 21 Oct 1986 AustLII flag 131
Gerhardy v Brown [1985] HCA 11; (1985) 159 CLR 70; (1985) 57 ALR 472; (1985) 59 ALJR 311; [1985] EOC 92-123 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 28 Feb 1985 AustLII flag 392
Re Edwina Alice Barton v Croner Trading Pty Ltd [1984] FCA 195; 3 FCR 95 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 19 Jul 1984 AustLII flag 31
Re Edwina Alice Barton v Croner Trading Pty Ltd [1984] FCA 195; 3 FCR 95 Federal Court of Australia Australia 19 Jul 1984 AustLII flag 12
Re Lee Mckeand and Son Pty Ltd and Collector of Customs [1983] AATA 400 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 2 Dec 1983 AustLII flag
Commonwealth v Tasmania (C06/1983) (Lead action) ("Tasmanian Dam case") - Reasons for Judgment [1983] HCASCF 68 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 1 Jul 1983 AustLII flag
Commonwealth v Tasmania [1983] HCA 21; (1983) 158 CLR 1; (1983) 46 ALR 625; (1983) 57 ALJR 450; 68 ILR 266 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 1 Jul 1983 AustLII flag 960
Pochi v Macphee [1982] HCA 60; (1982) 151 CLR 101; (1982) 43 ALR 261; 56 ALJR 878 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 22 Oct 1982 AustLII flag 173
Koowarta v Bjelke-Petersen [1982] HCA 27; (1982) 153 CLR 168; (1982) 39 ALR 417; (1982) 56 ALJR 625 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 11 May 1982 AustLII flag 512
Gazzo v Comptroller of Stamps (Vict) [1981] HCA 73; (1981) 149 CLR 227; [1981] FLC 91-101; 38 ALR 35; 56 ALJR 143; 7 Fam LR 675 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 24 Dec 1981 AustLII flag 46
Zimmax Trading Co Pty Ltd and Collector of Customs, New South Wales [1979] AATA 1 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 8 Jan 1979 AustLII flag
Airlines of NSW Pty Ltd v New South Wales (No 2) [1965] HCA 3; (1965) 113 CLR 54; [1965] ALR 984; (1964-1965) 38 ALJR 388 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 3 Feb 1965 AustLII flag 144
Airlines of NSW Pty Ltd v New South Wales [1964] HCA 2; (1964) 113 CLR 1; [1964] ALR 876; (1964) 37 ALJR 399 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 25 Feb 1964 AustLII flag 50
Bank of New South Wales v Commonwealth [1948] HCA 7; (1948) 76 CLR 1 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 11 Aug 1948 AustLII flag 756
Minister of State for the Army v Dalziel [1944] HCA 4; (1944) 68 CLR 261; [1944] ALR 89 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 Mar 1944 AustLII flag 245
Minister of State for the Army v Dalziell [1944] ArgusLawRp 9; (1944) 50 ALR 89 Argus Law Reports Australia 10 Mar 1944 AustLII flag
Pidoto v Victoria [1943] HCA 37; (1943) 68 CLR 87; [1944] ALR 1 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 2 Dec 1943 AustLII flag 158
Pidoto v Victoria [1943] ArgusLawRp 68; (1944) 50 ALR 1 Argus Law Reports Australia 2 Dec 1943 AustLII flag 14
Adelaide Co of Jehovah's Witnesses Inc v Commonwealth [1943] HCA 12; (1943) 67 CLR 116; [1943] ALR 193 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 14 Jun 1943 AustLII flag 184
Commonwealth v Grunseit [1943] HCA 47; (1943) 67 CLR 58; (1943) 17 ALJR 22 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 6 May 1943 AustLII flag 99
Ex parte Reid; Re Lynch [1943] NSWStRp 14; (1943) 43 SR (NSW) 207; 60 WN (NSW) 148 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 6 May 1943 AustLII flag 25
Australian Apple and Pear Marketing Board v Tonking [1942] HCA 37; (1942) 66 CLR 77; [1942] ALR 265 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 1 Oct 1942 AustLII flag 81
Tonking v The Australian Apple and Pear Marketing Board [1942] ArgusLawRp 22; (1942) 48 ALR 140 Argus Law Reports Australia 7 May 1942 AustLII flag
Andrews v Howell [1941] HCA 20; 65 CLR 255; [1941] ALR 185 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 3 Jul 1941 AustLII flag 95

Law Reform Reports Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Sentencing of federal offenders (Interim) [1980] ALRC 15 Australian Law Reform Commission Australia circa 1980 AustLII flag 2

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"The Corporations Power and Federalism: Key Aspects of the Constitutional Validity of the WorkChoices Act" (2006) 29 University of New South Wales Law Journal 91 Barnett, Darrell Australia circa 2006 AustLII flag
"Regulating a National Emissions Trading System within Australia: Constitutional Limitations" (2006) 3 Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law 83 Garner, Renee Australia circa 2006 AustLII flag
"Vanstone v Clark [2005] AUIndigLawRpr 100 Editors Australia circa 2005 AustLII flag
"Articles of Faith or Lucky Breaks - The Constitutional Law of International Agreements in Australia" (1995) 17 Sydney Law Review 150 Saunders, Cheryl Australia circa 1995 AustLII flag 6
"Individuals: Individuals- aliens- illegal immigrants- Australian Policy" [1984] AUYrBkIntLaw 14 Editors Australia circa 1984 AustLII flag
"Federalism and the External Affairs Power" (1983-1984) 14 Melbourne University Law Review 238 Crock, Mary Australia circa 1984 AustLII flag 4
"Reference Power in the Australian Constitution, The" (1973-1974) 9 Melbourne University Law Review 42 Johnson, Graeme A R Australia circa 1974 AustLII flag 3
"External Affairs Power of the Commonwealth, The" (1971-1972) 8 Melbourne University Law Review 193 Howard, Colin Australia circa 1972 AustLII flag 1
"International Agreements and the Australian Treaty Power" [1968] AUYrBkIntLaw 5 Connell, H B Australia circa 1968 AustLII flag 1
"Treaties in Constitutional Law: A Comment on Fishwick v Cleland" (1964-1965) 1 (2) Federal Law Review 306 Sharwood, R L Australia circa 1965 AustLII flag

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Air Navigation Act 1920 (Cth)
Air Navigation Act 1936 (Cth)
Air Navigation Act 1938 (NSW)
Acts Interpretation Act (Vic)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
McDonald v Victoria [1937] HCA 60; 58 CLR 146; [1937] ALR 629 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 25 Oct 1937 AustLII flag 7
R v Burgess; Ex parte Henry [1936] HCA 52; (1936) 55 CLR 608; [1936] ALR 482; 8 ILR 54 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 Nov 1936 AustLII flag 192
Carter v Carter Coal Co 298 US 238; 80 L Ed 1160; 56 SCt 855 United States Supreme Court United States 18 May 1936 WorldLII flag 120
Railroad Retirement Board v Alton R Co 295 US 330; 79 L Ed 1468; 55 SCt 758 United States Supreme Court United States 6 May 1935 WorldLII flag 70
Burns Philp & Co Ltd v Myrhe [1934] HCA 31; (1934) 51 CLR 463 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 Aug 1934 AustLII flag 3
New South Wales v Commonwealth (No 3) [1932] HCA 12; (1932) 46 CLR 246 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 3 May 1932 AustLII flag 17
Huddart Parker Ltd v The Commonwealth [1931] HCA 1; 44 CLR 492; [1931] ALR 22 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 17 Feb 1931 AustLII flag 88
Australian Railways Union v Victorian Railways Commissioners [1930] HCA 52; (1930) 44 CLR 319; 37 ALR 37; 4 ALJR 338 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 8 Dec 1930 AustLII flag 149
Shell Co of Australia Ltd v FCT [1930] UKPC 97; [1931] AC 275; [1930] All ER 671; 144 LT 121 Privy Council United Kingdom 2 Dec 1930 BAILII flag 138
Williams v Standard Oil Co of La 278 US 235; 73 L Ed 287; 49 SCt 115 United States Supreme Court United States 2 Jan 1929 WorldLII flag 24
Committee of Direction of Fruit Marketing v Collins [1925] ArgusLawRp 53; (1925) 36 CLR 410; 31 ALR 322 Argus Law Reports Australia - Commonwealth 29 Jun 1925 AustLII flag 20
[1919] Sec 4 [1919] SEC 4 United States circa 1919 flag 3
McDermott v Owners of SS Tintoretto [1910] UKLawRpAC 56; [1911] AC 35; 4 BWCC 123 United Kingdom 13 Dec 1910 CommonLII flag 69

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