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Sanam Narayanamurthi v Manapalli Nageswara Rao representing firm of Manepalli Nageswara Rao & Bros   flag 

[1939] AllINRprMad 69
All India Reporter - Madras
29th September, 1939

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1940) 1 MLJ 895 (1940) 1 MLJ 895 Malaysia circa 1940 LexisNexis flag 3
Air 1940 PC 63 AIR 1940 PC 63 Privy Council India circa 1940 flag 3
[1940] Kar 184 [1940] Kar 184 Pakistan circa 1940 flag 1
[1936] MLJ 630 [1936] MLJ 630 Malaysia circa 1936 LexisNexis flag 2
Air 1929 Mad 419 AIR 1929 Mad 419 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1929 flag 2
Narasinha Rama v Ibrahim [1929] Mad 419 India circa 1929 flag 4
118 IC 302 118 IC 302 United Kingdom circa 1929 flag 2
7 Australian Law Journal 1019 7 Australian Law Journal 1019 Australian Law Journal Australia Legal Online flag 1

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