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Abdul Rahim Khan v Mt Pusia Bai w/o Nanhu Patel   flag 

[1938] AllINRprNag 66
All India Reporter - Nagpur
16th August, 1938

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Air 1932 Oudh 242 AIR 1932 Oudh 242 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1932 flag 3
(1931) 18 Air Bom 305 (1931) 18 AIR Bom 305 India - Maharashtra circa 1931 flag 1
[1927] Nag 143 [1927] Nag 143 India - Maharashtra circa 1927 flag 1
Govind Iyer v Emperor (1919) 6 AIR Mad 7 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1919 flag 2
(1915) 2 Air Mad 1033; 33 Bom LR 296 (1915) 2 AIR Mad 1033; 33 Bom LR 296 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1915 flag 1
86 MLJ 448 86 MLJ 448 Malaysia LexisNexis flag 2
58 Cal 72710 58 Cal 72710 United States - California flag 2
57 Mad 682 57 Mad 682 India flag 2
40 Mad 1006 40 Mad 1006 India flag 2
9 Lah 6781 9 Lah 6781 Pakistan flag 1
1 P 87 1 P 87 2

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