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Case Name | Citation(s) | Court | Jurisdiction | Date † | Full Text | Citation Index | |
Kanabai Missir v Sukananan |
India - Bihar | circa 1937 |
Air 1933 Mad 309 |
India - Tamil Nadu | circa 1933 |
Saleh v Emperor |
Pakistan | circa 1932 |
Pir Mohamed v Yacoob |
Pakistan | circa 1929 |
33 Mad 308; [1924] Nag 411 |
India - Maharashtra | circa 1924 |
[1920] Mad 216 |
India | circa 1920 |
Annadana Jadaya* Goundar v Konammal |
India - Tamil Nadu | circa 1920 |
[1893] AC 31310 |
United Kingdom | circa 1893 | LexisNexis / Westlaw |
(1886) 12 Cal 330 |
United States - California | circa 1886 |
Carter v White |
[1883] UKLawRpCh 270; |
Court of Chancery | United Kingdom | 11 Dec 1883 | CommonLII |
Bateson v Gosling |
[1871] UKLawRpCP 57; |
Court of Common Pleas | United Kingdom | 14 Nov 1871 | CommonLII |
56 Mad 62513 |
India |
38 MLJ 1319 |
Malaysia | LexisNexis |
30 Cr LJ 4584 |
India |
13 Lah 817 |
Pakistan |
5 Bom 6474 |
India - Maharashtra |
Maung Po Tha v Eo Min Pyu |
Myanmar |