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Government of the Philippine Islands, applicant, v Juan Abalos, , claimants Heirs of Lorenzo Madrid, Fortunata Llamas, Maxima, Modesta, and Domingo, all surnamed Madrid; the spouses Juan Reginaldo and Leonarda Castillo, claimants-appellees; Juliana, Andres, Catalino and Benito, all surnamed Fernandez, claimants   flag 

[1936] PHSC 95
Supreme Court of the Philippines
29th September, 1936

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Reyes v Razon 38 Phil 480 Philippines flag 28
Razon and Director of Lands 48 Phil 424 Philippines flag 43
53 Phil 649 53 Phil 649 Philippines flag 6

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