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U Ngwe San v U Paw Hnyun   flag 

[1933] AllINRprRang 82
All India Reporter - Rangoon
24th March, 1933

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
JDist and Expl AIR 1930 PC 255 Privy Council India circa 1930 flag 4
Air 1927 PC 237 AIR 1927 PC 237 Privy Council India circa 1927 flag 7
[1927] PC 237 [1927] PC 237 United Kingdom circa 1927 flag 6
[1924] Cal 744 [1924] Cal 744 United States - California circa 1924 flag 5
AIR 1922 Lahore 108 AIR 1922 Lahore 108 India - Punjab circa 1922 flag 2

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