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Abdul Wali v Emperor   flag 

[1933] AllINRprOudh 89
All India Reporter - Oudh
25th July, 1933

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Air 1925 All 311 AIR 1925 All 311 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1925 flag 1
Air 1925 Mad 39 AIR 1925 Mad 39 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1925 flag 2
(1898) 25 Cal 2-33 (1898) 25 Cal 2-33 United States - California circa 1898 flag 1
Air 1928 Bom 184 AIR 1928 Bom 184 India - Maharashtra circa 1928 flag 5
2 P 388 2 P 388 3
[1842] Engr 913; 174 Er 608 [1842] EngR 913; 174 ER 608 United Kingdom circa 1842 CommonLII flag 1
(1886) 10 Bom 256 (1886) 10 Bom 256 India - Maharashtra circa 1886 flag 1
Jagat Chandra Mozumdar v Aueen Empress, ILR 26 Cal 786; 22 Gal 131 United States - California flag 9
[1921] Cal 431 [1921] Cal 431 United States - California circa 1921 flag 2
(1916) 89 Mad 561 (1916) 89 Mad 561 India circa 1916 flag 1
Air 1919 Cal 647 AIR 1919 Cal 647 India - West Bengal circa 1919 flag 3

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