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Su Ellappa Mudaliar v A Swaminatha Mudaliar   flag 

[1933] AllINRprMad 323; [1933] AIR Mad 755
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
1st May, 1933

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Minakshi v Subramanya 11 Mad 26 India flag 21
[1931] PC 33 [1931] PC 33 United Kingdom circa 1931 flag 17
27 NLR 95 27 NLR 95 Sri Lanka flag 5
[1980] Bom 392 [1980] Bom 392 India - Maharashtra circa 1980 flag 3
Air 1930 Mad 200 AIR 1930 Mad 200 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1930 flag 3
(1928) 110 IC 773 (1928) 110 IC 773 United Kingdom circa 1928 flag 2
[1927] Mad 885 [1927] Mad 885 India circa 1927 flag 2
AIR 1927 Lahore 337 AIR 1927 Lahore 337 India - Punjab circa 1927 flag 2
(1911) 35 Mad 197 (1911) 35 Mad 197 India circa 1911 flag 2

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