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Kandasami Pillai v Munisami Mudaliar   flag 

[1931] AllINRprMad 222; [1932] AIR Mad 589
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
12th November, 1931

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
The I " There can be no right to sue said their Lord- aforesaid charities shall be conducted by ineur- ·ships of the Judicial Committee in Bolo v. (1) A.I.ft 19^0 Cal. 879=58 I.G. 705=47 CaL (2) AIR 1980 PC 270 Privy Council India circa 1980 flag 1
Balo v Koklan [1930] PC 270 United Kingdom circa 1930 flag 5
Har Narayan v Surja Kunwari [1921] PC 20 United Kingdom circa 1921 flag 5
3 Moore Ind App 66 3 Moore Ind App 66 India circa 1980 flag 2

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