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Bhadu v Ganpati   flag 

[1930] AllINRprNag 90
All India Reporter - Nagpur
8th October, 1930

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
[1929] Cal 247 [1929] Cal 247 United States - California circa 1929 flag 4
(1908) 35 Cal 618 (1908) 35 Cal 618 United States - California circa 1908 flag 2
[1929] Cal 374 [1929] Cal 374 United States - California circa 1929 flag 3
69 IC 697 69 IC 697 United Kingdom flag 1
Krishnaswami Ayyangar and Somayya 19 Cal 683 United States - California flag 42
[1908] Awn 159 [1908] AWN 159 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1908 flag 1
McCauley v Brooks (1889) 16 Cal 1 United States - California circa 1889 flag 5
[1928] PC 64 [1928] PC 64 United Kingdom circa 1928 flag 4
Raghunath Prasad v Sarju Prasad Privy Council India circa 1924 flag 8
82 IC 817 82 IC 817 United Kingdom circa 1924 flag 1
Tuljaram Kao v Alagappa 35 Mad 1; AIR 1933 PC 58; 15 Bom 155; 3 CLE 311 Privy Council India circa 1933 flag 68
Ramchand Manjimal v Gower Dhandas (A I R [1920] PC 86 United Kingdom circa 1920 flag 14
[1928] Bern 534; 6 CPLR 4 [1928] Bern 534; 6 CPLR 4 Republic of Ireland circa 1928 flag 1
2 P 27 2 P 27 circa 1920 10

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