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Khanejama, Syed v Fatekhan   flag 

[1930] AllINRprNag 67
All India Reporter - Nagpur
31st July, 1930

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Rajindra Narain Singh v Sundara Bibi [1925] P 0 circa 1925 45
(1919) 44 Bom 609 (1919) 44 Bom 609 India - Maharashtra circa 1919 flag 1
Peris v Silva - NLR - 117 of 21 [1918] LKCA 26; (1918) 21 NLR 117 Sri Lankan Court of Appeal Sri Lanka 12 Nov 1918 AsianLII flag 4
(1916) 40 Bom 606 (1916) 40 Bom 606 India - Maharashtra circa 1916 flag 2
(1912) 39 Gal 887 (1912) 39 Gal 887 United States circa 1912 flag 1
(1889) 12 Mad 235 (1889) 12 Mad 235 India circa 1889 flag 1
(1888) 11 Mad 191; 9 Bom 198 (1888) 11 Mad 191; 9 Bom 198 India - Maharashtra circa 1888 flag 14
(1883) 7 Mad 328 (1883) 7 Mad 328 India circa 1883 flag 2
2 P 184 2 P 184 circa 1918 4

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