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S R M M A Firm v Maung Po Saung   flag 

[1929] AllINRprRang 74
All India Reporter - Rangoon
3rd April, 1929

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
16 Cal 523 16 Cal 523 United States - California flag 6
Air 1923 Rang 195 AIR 1923 Rang 195 Myanmar circa 1923 flag 4
Maung San Ba v Maung Lun Bye [1917] AllINRprUB 6; [1917] 3 UBR 13; 11 Bur LT 123; [1918] AIR UB 45 All India Reporter - Upper Burma Myanmar 18 May 1917 AsianLII flag 3
Mg Tun U v Y P S P L Pallaniappa Chetty [1915] AllINRprLB 102; (1915) 8 LBR 146; 8 Bur LT 93; [1915] AIR LB 145 All India Reporter - Lower Burma Myanmar 8 Feb 1915 AsianLII flag 3
21 BR 59--63 21 BR 59--63 United States circa 1915 flag 2

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