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Govindasami Udaiyar v Annamalai Udaiyar   flag 

[1927] AllINRprMad 500; [1927] AIR Mad 1071
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
22nd March, 1927

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1926] Mad 173 [1926] Mad 173 India circa 1926 flag 2
Bansiram Jashamal v Gunnia Naga Iyer [1919] PC 24 United Kingdom circa 1919 flag 11
Zamindar of Polavaram v Maharajah of Pit [1919] P 0 circa 1919 19
(1918) 27 CLJ 453--45 (1918) 27 CLJ 453--45 circa 1918 2
(1907) 30 Mad 67 (1907) 30 Mad 67 India circa 1907 flag 8
Kadir Mohideen Marakkayar v Muthukrishna Ayyar (1903) 26 Mad 230 India circa 1903 flag 17
27 Oudh Law Journal 453 27 Oudh Law Journal 453 Oudh Law Journal India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1903 flag 1

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