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Salleh Mahomed Umor Dossal v Nathumal Kissamal   flag 

[1925] AllINRprSind 20
All India Reporter - Sind
25th January, 1924

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1924] Mad 98 [1924] Mad 98 India circa 1924 flag 12
Air 1923 PC 66 AIR 1923 PC 66 Privy Council India circa 1923 flag 26
(1920) 44 Bom 780 (1920) 44 Bom 780 India - Maharashtra circa 1920 flag 4
(1889) 13 Bom 330 (1889) 13 Bom 330 India - Maharashtra circa 1889 flag 1
324-25 Bom LR 588 324-25 Bom LR 588 India - Maharashtra flag 2
47 Bom 578 47 Bom 578 India - Maharashtra flag 7
45 MLJ 309 45 MLJ 309 Malaysia LexisNexis flag 2
38 CLJ 130 38 CLJ 130 2
4 PC 99 4 PC 99 United Kingdom flag 2

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