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Maung San Tin v Ma Phet Pu   flag 

[1924] AllINRprRang 152
All India Reporter - Rangoon
4th September, 1924

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Nga Po Pyaw v Nga Po Nwe [1917] AllINRprUB 5; [1917] 3 UBR 19; [1917] AIR UB 7 All India Reporter - Upper Burma Myanmar 17 May 1917 AsianLII flag 2
Sit Hon v Emperor [1916] AllINRprLB 58; (1915) 8 LBR 466; 10 Bur LT 211 All India Reporter - Lower Burma Myanmar 19 Jul 1916 AsianLII flag 4
(1913) 36 Mad 387 (1913) 36 Mad 387 India circa 1913 flag 4
[1912] MWN 3 [1912] MWN 3 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1912 flag 1
(1911) 38 Gal 786 (1911) 38 Gal 786 United States circa 1911 flag 2
(1908) 4 LBR 128 (1908) 4 LBR 128 Myanmar circa 1908 flag 3
42 Cal 612 42 Cal 612 United States - California flag 11
36 Mad 392 36 Mad 392 India flag 2
22 MLJ 181 22 MLJ 181 Malaysia LexisNexis flag 1
16 Cr LJ 122 16 Cr LJ 122 India flag 3
12 IC 985-12 12 IC 985-12 United Kingdom flag 2

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