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Ma Hli v Moksodol   flag 

[1924] AllINRprRang 109
All India Reporter - Rangoon
24th June, 1924

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Air 1924 Rang 86 AIR 1924 Rang 86 Myanmar circa 1924 flag 1
Sankarappa Naicker v Pari Naicker [1913] AllINRprMad 411; [1913] MWN 640; 38 Mad 149 All India Reporter - Madras India - Tamil Nadu 7 Feb 1913 AsianLII flag 6
[1913] MWN 64q [1913] MWN 64Q India - Tamil Nadu circa 1913 flag 1
[1910] 3 Bur LT 77 [1910] 3 Bur LT 77 Myanmar circa 1910 flag 1
8 IC 456 8 IC 456 United Kingdom circa 1913 flag 1
2 P 61 2 P 61 circa 1913 10

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