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King Emperor v Alimuddi Naskar   flag 

[1924] AllINRprCal 147; [1925] AIR Cal 361
All India Reporter - Calcutta
India - West Bengal
1st December, 1924

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Sessions Court " In the Court " You have heard the prosecution of Sessions the said statement was read (8) (1921) 22 Cr LJ 276 India circa 1924 flag
Air 1923 Pat 91 AIR 1923 Pat 91 India - Bihar circa 1923 flag 1
Air 1923 Cal 470 AIR 1923 Cal 470 India - West Bengal circa 1923 flag 8
(1921) 6 Patna Law Journal 147 (1921) 6 Patna Law Journal 147 Patna Law Journal India - Bihar circa 1921 flag 2
(1920) 5 Pennsylvania Law Journal 430 (1920) 5 Pennsylvania Law Journal 430 Pennsylvania Law Journal United States - Pennsylvania circa 1920 flag 2
(1904) 17 CPLR 113 (1904) 17 CPLR 113 United Kingdom circa 1904 flag 1
(1881) 6 Cal 96 (1881) 6 Cal 96 United States - California circa 1881 flag 2
417 IC 49 417 IC 49 United Kingdom circa 1924 flag 1
372 CS 1 372 CS 1 Canada - Quebec flag 2
61 IC 705 61 IC 705 United Kingdom circa 1924 flag 1
27 CWN 389 27 CWN 389 India circa 1924 flag 4
25 Cr LJ 711 25 Cr LJ 711 India circa 1924 flag 1
2 Pat LT 288 2 Pat LT 288 India - Bihar circa 1924 flag 2

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