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Blockey v FCT   flag  43

[1923] HCA 2; (1923) 31 CLR 503; 29 ALR 79
High Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
13th March, 1923

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Allen v Redding [1934] ArgusLawRp 6; (1934) 40 ALR 94 Argus Law Reports Australia 14 Mar 1934 AustLII flag
AT86/292-295 and Commissioner of Taxation [1987] AATA 789; 18 ATR 3903 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 25 Sep 1987 AustLII flag
Blockey v FCT [1923] HCA 2; (1923) 31 CLR 503; 29 ALR 79 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 13 Mar 1923 AustLII flag 43
Cantlay and Secretary, Department of Family and Community Services [1999] AATA 725; 57 ALD 473 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 29 Sep 1999 AustLII flag 1
Clowes v FCT [1954] HCA 10; (1954) 91 CLR 209; [1954] ALR 293; (1954) 10 ATD 316 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 7 Apr 1954 AustLII flag 85
Coglan v FCT [1932] HCA 23; 47 CLR 109; 2 ATD 78 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 7 Jul 1932 AustLII flag 2
Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society Ltd v FCT [1946] HCA 60; (1946) 73 CLR 604; [1946] ALR 553; 8 ATD 137 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 25 Nov 1946 AustLII flag 76
Commissioner of Taxes (Qld) v Camphin [1937] HCA 30; (1937) 57 CLR 127; [1937] ALR 401; (1937) 4 ATD 315; 1 AITR 147 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 25 Jun 1937 AustLII flag 74
Erini Hellen Panagis and Secretary, Department of Social Security [1997] AATA 66 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 5 Mar 1997 AustLII flag
Fairway Estates Pty Ltd v FCT [1970] HCA 29; (1970) 123 CLR 153; 1 ATR 726; 44 ALJR 306 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 21 Aug 1970 AustLII flag 79
FCT v Whitfords Beach Pty Ltd [1982] HCA 8; (1982) 150 CLR 355; (1982) 39 ALR 521; (1982) 12 ATR 692; (1982) 56 ALJR 240 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 17 Mar 1982 AustLII flag 281
Greig v Commissioner of Taxation [2020] FCAFC 25 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 2 Mar 2020 AustLII flag 2
Jolly v FCT [1934] ArgusLawRp 5; (1934) 40 ALR 86 Argus Law Reports Australia 6 Mar 1934 AustLII flag
Jolly v FCT [1934] HCA 66; 50 CLR 131; [1934] ALR 86; 2 ATD 434 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 5 Mar 1934 AustLII flag 17
"Guardian allowance: whether payable when care of child shared equally between parents" [1999] SocSecRpr 86 Liden, Susanne Australia circa 1999 AustLII flag
McClelland v FCT [1970] UKPCHCA 1 Privy Council Australia 2 Nov 1970 AustLII flag 1
McCurry v FCT [1998] FCA 512; (1998) 39 ATR 121 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 15 May 1998 AustLII flag 9
MT 2005/D1 - The New Tax System: the meaning of entity carrying on an enterprise for the purposes of entitlement to an Australian Business Number [2005] ATODMTR MT2005/D1 Australian Taxation Office Australia - Commonwealth 14 Dec 2005 AustLII flag
MT 2006/1 - The New Tax System: the meaning of entity carrying on an enterprise for the purposes of entitlement to an Australian Business Number [2006] ATOMTR 1 Australian Taxation Office Australia - Commonwealth circa 2006 AustLII flag
MT 2006/1 - The New Tax System: the meaning of entity carrying on an enterprise for the purposes of entitlement to an Australian Business Number [2006] ATOMTR MT2006/1 Australian Taxation Office Australia - Commonwealth circa 2006 AustLII flag
Murphy v Victoria (No 2) [2014] VSC 404 Supreme Court of Victoria Australia - Victoria 10 Sep 2014 AustLII flag 3
"Parenting payment: carries on a business" [1999] SocSecRpr 87 Noone, Mary Anne Australia circa 1999 AustLII flag
Premier Automatic Ticket Issuers Ltd v FCT [1933] HCA 51; (1933) 50 CLR 268; [1934] ALR 109; 2 ATD 383 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 7 Nov 1933 AustLII flag 70
Premier Automatic Ticket Issuers Ltd v The FCT [1933] ArgusLawRp 108; (1934) 40 ALR 109 Argus Law Reports Australia 17 Nov 1933 AustLII flag
QT2000/29 and Commission of Taxation [2001] AATA 965; (2001) 48 ATR 1176 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 28 Nov 2001 AustLII flag 2
Re Esther Shafer and Director-General of Social Security [1983] AATA 278 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 19 Aug 1983 AustLII flag
Re Taxation Appeals [1987] AATA 434 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 7 Dec 1987 AustLII flag
Read v Commonwealth [1988] HCA 26; (1988) 167 CLR 57; (1988) 78 ALR 655; (1988) 15 ALD 261; (1988) 62 ALJR 354; 8 AAR 313 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 2 Jun 1988 AustLII flag 135
Rex v Lee [1950] ArgusLawRp 55; (1950) 57 ALR 517 Argus Law Reports Australia 23 Jun 1950 AustLII flag
Richard Ian Mills and Secretary, Department of Social Security [1997] AATA 243 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 18 Jul 1997 AustLII flag
Ruhamah Property Co Ltd v FCT [1928] HCA 22; (1928) 41 CLR 148; 35 ALR 50 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 20 Aug 1928 AustLII flag 112
Secretary, Department of Family & Community Services v Cantlay [2000] FCA 345; (2000) 59 ALD 472 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 24 Mar 2000 AustLII flag 8
Secretary to the Department of Social Security v Mary Elizabeth Ekis [1998] FCA 940 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 6 Aug 1998 AustLII flag
Selimovski and Secretary, Department of Social Security [1989] AATA 307 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 15 Feb 1989 AustLII flag
Thomas v FCT [1923] HCA 43 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 21 Sep 1923 AustLII flag
TR 92/3 - Income tax: whether profits on isolated transactions are income [1992] ATOTR 3 Australian Taxation Office Australia - Commonwealth circa 1992 AustLII flag
TR 92/3 - Income tax: whether profits on isolated transactions are income [1992] ATOTR TR92/3 Australian Taxation Office Australia - Commonwealth circa 1992 AustLII flag
White v FCT [1968] HCA 41; (1968) 120 CLR 191; [1969] ALR 217; (1968) 42 ALJR 139; 15 ATD 173; 15 ATR 173 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 11 Dec 1968 AustLII flag 39

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title †  Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"When will Lease Incentives be of an Income Nature?" [1998] JlATax 3 Barkoczy, Stephen; Bellamy, Neil Australia circa 1998 AustLII flag
"Choosing the Right Joint Venture Structure for a Farmin or Farmout" (2002) 5 Journal of Australian Taxation 60 Birch, Charles Australia circa 2002 AustLII flag 7
"The Concern of Assessable Income - Has It Changed?" [1991] RevenueLawJl 7 Bitomsky, Greg Australia circa 1991 AustLII flag
"Guardian allowance: whether payable when care of child shared equally between parents" [1999] SocSecRpr 86 Liden, Susanne Australia circa 1999 AustLII flag
"Compensation Payments; Commercial Contracts; and the ITAA 1936: The Gordian Knot Revisited" (1985) 15 (4) Federal Law Review 303 Muir, Garry A Australia circa 1985 AustLII flag
"Parenting payment: carries on a business" [1999] SocSecRpr 87 Noone, Mary Anne Australia circa 1999 AustLII flag
"Aspects of Section 26(a) of the Income Tax Assessment Act" (1971-1972) 8 Melbourne University Law Review 276 Walter, J McI; Myers, A J Australia circa 1972 AustLII flag
"The Historical Significance of the High Court's Decision in FCT v The Myer Emporium Ltd" (2007) 31 Melbourne University Law Review 266 Young, Neil J Australia circa 2007 AustLII flag 1

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Income Tax Act (Cth)
Income Tax Assessment Act 1915 (Cth)
Justices Act (Vic)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Blockey v The Commissioner of Taxation [1923] ArgusLawRp 8; (1923) 29 ALR 79 Argus Law Reports Australia circa 1923 AustLII flag 1
Californian Copper Syndicate v Harris (1904) 5 Tax Cas 159; 6 F 894 United Kingdom circa 1904 flag 193
Commissioner of Taxes v Melbourne Trust [1914] UKLawRpAC 41; [1914] AC 1001 United Kingdom 24 Jul 1914 CommonLII flag 45
In re AB, a Taxpayer [1901] ArgusLawRp 29; (1901) 7 ALR 93 Argus Law Reports Australia 17 Apr 1901 AustLII flag 2
In re The Income Tax Acts In re The Melbourne Trust Ltd [1912] ArgusLawRp 57; (1912) 18 ALR 243 Argus Law Reports Australia 4 Jun 1912 AustLII flag 1
Quat Quatta Co's Case, Ex p [1906] ArgusLawRp 148; [1906] VicLawRp 105; [1907] VLR 54; 12 ALR 526; 28 ALT 100 Argus Law Reports Australia 12 Oct 1906 AustLII flag 4
Re Griffin; Ex parte Board of Trade (1890) 60 LJQB 235 United Kingdom circa 1890 flag 44
Schroder v Hebbard [1906] VicLawRp 123; [1906] ArgusLawRp 170; [1907] VLR 107; 13 ALR 141; 29 ALT 1 Australia - Victoria 28 Nov 1906 AustLII flag 10
T Beynon & Co v Ogg 7 Tax Cas 125 United Kingdom flag 6
Taxation Commissioners v Mooney [1907] UKLawRpAC 34; [1907] AC 342 United Kingdom 4 Jul 1907 CommonLII flag 5
Webb v The Australian Deposit and Mortgage Bank Ltd [1910] ArgusLawRp 89; (1910) 11 CLR 223; 16 ALR 446 Argus Law Reports Australia - Commonwealth 8 Sep 1910 AustLII flag 15
5 Tax Cas 058 5 Tax Cas 058 United Kingdom circa 1910 flag 1
8 Ch 330 8 Ch 330 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1910 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
27 VLR 39 27 VLR 39 Australia - Victoria circa 1910 flag 4
101 LT 9 101 LT 9 United Kingdom flag 1

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