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Harbhagat v Pandit Narayan Rao   flag 

[1923] AllINRprNag 103
All India Reporter - Nagpur
31st July, 1923

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Sharibun [2007] 5 MLJ 101 Malaysia circa 2007 LexisNexis flag 3
[1922] Nag 89 [1922] Nag 89 India - Maharashtra circa 1922 flag 3
(1912) 39 Cal 828 (1912) 39 Cal 828 United States - California circa 1912 flag 4
(1909) 36 Cal 516 (1909) 36 Cal 516 United States - California circa 1909 flag 2
(1895) 22 Gal 909 (1895) 22 Gal 909 United States circa 1895 flag 5
(1894) 7 CPLR 73 (1894) 7 CPLR 73 United Kingdom circa 1894 flag 1
H C Kalidas Chaudhuri v Prasanna Kumar Das 47 Cal 446 United States - California flag 3
24 Cal 382 24 Cal 382 United States - California flag 4
22 Cal 909 22 Cal 909 United States - California flag 15
18 WR 166 18 WR 166 United Kingdom flag 4
13 NLR 69 13 NLR 69 Sri Lanka flag 5
6 Bom 83 6 Bom 83 India - Maharashtra flag 2
1 NLR 150 1 NLR 150 Sri Lanka flag 1

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