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Secretary of State for India v P Appurao   flag 

[1923] AllINRprMad 36
All India Reporter - Madras
7th March, 1923

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Air 1919 PC 111 AIR 1919 PC 111 Privy Council India circa 1919 flag 2
[1914] MWN 804 [1914] MWN 804; (1914) 39 Mad 1006 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1914 flag 1
(1912) 22 MLJ 138 (1912) 22 MLJ 138 Malaysia circa 1912 LexisNexis flag 1
(1902) 23 Mad 667 (1902) 23 Mad 667 India circa 1902 flag 1
519 MWN 450 519 MWN 450 India - Tamil Nadu flag 1
136 Awn 39 136 AWN 39 India - Uttar Pradesh flag 2
73 MWN 155 73 MWN 155 India - Tamil Nadu flag 1
27 MLJ 37 27 MLJ 37 Malaysia LexisNexis flag 2
24 IC 167 24 IC 167 United Kingdom flag 1
Rajam Chetti v Seshayya ILR 18 Mad 236 India flag 5
13 Or 54 13 OR 54 Canada flag 1

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