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Umed Singh v Bihari Lal   flag 

[1922] AllINRprNag 47
All India Reporter - Nagpur
12th April, 1922

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
24 MLJ 135 24 MLJ 135 Malaysia LexisNexis flag 2
(1879) 4 Cal 369 (1879) 4 Cal 369 United States - California circa 1879 flag 6
27 IC 815 27 IC 815 United Kingdom flag 3
(1915) 42 Cal 652 (1915) 42 Cal 652 United States - California circa 1915 flag 5
32 Cal 643 32 Cal 643 United States - California flag 7
2 P 52 2 P 52 10
Rh é ault v Landry 2 P 56; 55 CS 1 Canada - Quebec flag 14
Burritt v Dickson (1882) 8 Cal 113 United States - California circa 1882 flag 5
(1913) 36 Mad 229 (1913) 36 Mad 229 India circa 1913 flag 13
1 P 58 1 P 58 3

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