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Kufiluddin Sarkar v Emperor   flag 

[1918] AllINRprCal 391; [1919] AIR Cal 668
All India Reporter - Calcutta
India - West Bengal
23rd August, 1918

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Tuljaram Kao v Alagappa 35 Mad 1; AIR 1933 PC 58; 15 Bom 155; 3 CLE 311 Privy Council India circa 1933 flag 68
(1916) 32 IC 468 (1916) 32 IC 468 United Kingdom circa 1916 flag 4
(1917) 38 IC 326 (1917) 38 IC 326 United Kingdom circa 1917 flag 1
(1908) 35 Cal 138 (1908) 35 Cal 138 United States - California circa 1908 flag 4
(1872) 8 BLR 433 (1872) 8 BLR 433 circa 1872 2
Onslow v Commissioners of Inland Revenue (1916) 43 Cal 857 United States - California circa 1916 flag 5
(1915) 31 IC 965 (1915) 31 IC 965 United Kingdom circa 1915 flag 1
(1874) 13 BLR 91 (1874) 13 BLR 91 circa 1874 2

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