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Amir Bi Bi v Arokiam   flag 

[1917] AllINRprMad 439
All India Reporter - Madras
16th November, 1917

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1915) 26 IC 455 (1915) 26 IC 455 United Kingdom circa 1915 flag 4
(1910) 37 Cal 63 (1910) 37 Cal 63 United States - California circa 1910 flag 1
(1910) 34 Mad 72 (1910) 34 Mad 72 India circa 1910 flag 2
(1909) 33 Bom 401 (1909) 33 Bom 401 India - Maharashtra circa 1909 flag 3
In Re A Bankruptcy Notice [1906] UKLawRpKQB 176; [1907] 1 KB 478 United Kingdom 18 Dec 1906 CommonLII flag 12
(1903) 13 MLJ 364 (1903) 13 MLJ 364 Malaysia circa 1903 LexisNexis flag 4
(1902) 26 Bom 32 (1902) 26 Bom 32 India - Maharashtra circa 1902 flag 1
(1898) 25 Cal 210 (1898) 25 Cal 210 United States - California circa 1898 flag 5
(1897) 20 Mad 490 (1897) 20 Mad 490 India circa 1897 flag 1
Hunter v Rice [1812] EngR 94; 104 ER 782; (1812) 15 East 100 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1812 CommonLII flag 4
Owen v Hurd [1788] EngR 212; 100 ER 346; (1788) 2 TR 643 United Kingdom circa 1788 CommonLII flag 1
(1740) 125 Er 1156 (1740) 125 ER 1156 United Kingdom circa 1740 CommonLII flag 1
23 Mad 593 23 Mad 593 India flag 3
19 Mad 290 19 Mad 290 India flag 2
Muhammad Newaz Khan v Alim Khan 18 Cal 414 United States - California flag 6
13 MLJ 500 13 MLJ 500 Malaysia LexisNexis flag 3
9 P 1115 9 P 1115 1
2 P 1114 2 P 1114 1
2 IC 414 2 IC 414 United Kingdom flag 1

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