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Sellam Iyengar v P a v U D a v E E Veerappa Chetti   flag 

[1915] AllINRprMad 220; [1915] MWN 665; 18 MLT 171; [1916] AIR Mad 573
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
16th July, 1915

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1906) 29 Mad 195 (1906) 29 Mad 195 India circa 1906 flag 4
(1897) 21 Bom 314 (1897) 21 Bom 314 India - Maharashtra circa 1897 flag 5
27 Mad 63 27 Mad 63 India flag 4
26 Bom 317 26 Bom 317; 33 Mad 167 India - Maharashtra flag 11

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