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Webb v McCracken   flag  10

[1906] HCA 45; (1906) 3 CLR 1018; (1906) 12 ALR 313
High Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
30th June, 1906

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Ba v R [2023] HCA 14; (2023) 97 ALJR 358 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 May 2023 AustLII flag 3
Steedman v Greater Western Water Corporation [2023] VCAT 128 Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Australia - Victoria 9 Feb 2023 AustLII flag 9
Willis, Anne v Crosland, Vanessa [2020] VCC 1964 County Court of Victoria Australia - Victoria 11 Dec 2020 AustLII flag 2
Sydney Attractions Group Pty Ltd v Frederick Schulman [2013] NSWSC 858 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 28 Jun 2013 AustLII flag 25
Chicken Pty Ltd v Queensland Investment Corporation [2006] ACTCA 9 Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory - Court of Appeal Australia - Australian Capital Territory 2 Jun 2006 AustLII flag 16
V04/05469 [2005] MRTA 697 Migration Review Tribunal Australia 2 Jun 2005 AustLII flag 1
Palgo Holdings Pty Ltd v Gowans [2005] HCA 28; (2005) 221 CLR 249; (2005) 215 ALR 253; 79 ALJR 1121 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 25 May 2005 AustLII flag 124
Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (NSW) v Vincent [1994] NSWCA 328 Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Appeal Australia - New South Wales 19 Aug 1994 AustLII flag
Russell (decd), Re [1968] VicRp 33; [1968] VR 285 Australia - Victoria 15 Feb 1967 AustLII flag 21
In the Will of Myer; Myer v Myer [1938] ArgusLawRp 109; (1939) 45 ALR 120 Argus Law Reports Australia 20 Dec 1938 AustLII flag
Re Myer [1938] VicLawRp 68; [1939] VLR 77; [1939] ALR 120 Australia - Victoria 20 Dec 1938 AustLII flag 5
Webb v McCracken [1906] HCA 45; (1906) 3 CLR 1018; (1906) 12 ALR 313 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 30 Jun 1906 AustLII flag 10

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Administration and Probate Act (Vic)
Administration and Probate Act 1903 (Vic)
Mines Act 1897 (Vic)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Re M'Cracken [1906] ArgusLawRp 48; (1906) 12 ALR 303 Argus Law Reports Australia 4 May 1906 AustLII flag 2
Duke of Wellington Gold Mining Co NL v Armstrong [1906] ArgusLawRp 1; [1906] VicLawRp 2; [1906] VLR 145; 12 ALR 67; 27 ALT 146 Argus Law Reports Australia - Victoria 4 Jan 1906 AustLII flag 2
Webb (Master-in-Equity, Victoria) v M'Cracken [1906] ArgusLawRp 96; (1906) 12 ALR 313 Argus Law Reports Australia circa 1906 AustLII flag 2
Commissioner of Stamp Duties v Stephen [1903] UKLawRpAC 56; [1904] AC 137 United Kingdom 25 Nov 1903 CommonLII flag 15
Wilson, Re [1903] ArgusLawRp 9; 9 ALR 36; 24 ALT 168 Argus Law Reports Australia 10 Feb 1903 AustLII flag 3
Peacock's Settlement, In re; Kelcey v Harrison [1902] UKLawRpCh 42; (1902) 1 Ch 552 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 22 Feb 1902 CommonLII flag 2
[1902] St RQd 426 [1902] St RQd 426 Australia - Queensland circa 1902 flag 1
Will and Estate of Helen Sinclair Brodie, Deceased, In re [1900] ArgusLawRp 148; [1900] VicLawRp 138; (1900) 26 VLR 562; 6 ALR 255 Argus Law Reports Australia - Victoria 10 Dec 1900 AustLII flag 2
Lord Advocate v Fleming [1896] AC 152 United Kingdom circa 1896 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 4
Commissioner of Stamps v Hope [1891] UKLawRpAC 37; [1891] AC 476 United Kingdom 25 Jul 1891 CommonLII flag 46
Van Hagan, In re; Sperling v Rochfort [1880] UKLawRpCh 251; 16 Ch D 18 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 5 Nov 1880 CommonLII flag 13
London and Westminster Loan and Discount Co, Ltd, v Darke [1859] EngR 749; 6 CBNS 798; 144 ER 664; 28 LJCP 297 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1859 CommonLII flag 8
Between John Evans, John Pugh and Thomas Jones, Plaintiffs, and Thomas Jones Saunders and Samuel Jones Evans, Defendants [1853] EngR 188; 1 Drew 415; 61 ER 511 United Kingdom circa 1853 CommonLII flag 2
William Walker Drake,-Appellant; The Attorney-General-Respondent Et e Contra [1843] EngR 906; 8 ER 739; (1843) 10 Cl & F 257 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1843 CommonLII flag 9
Blackiuood v R 8 AC 82 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 42
3 CLR 127 3 CLR 127 Australia - Commonwealth Legal Online / Westlaw flag 1
3 AC 505 3 AC 505 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 4
Cox v Rabbits 3 AC 478 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 2

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