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L (an infant) SC Wellington   flag 

[1901] NZGazLawRp 90; (1901) 3 GLR 460
New Zealand Gazette Law Reports
New Zealand
7th June, 1901

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Ex parte Rowlands (1895) 16 NSWLR 239 Australia - New South Wales circa 1895 LexisNexis AU flag 2
R v Gyngall [1893] UKLawRpKQB 95; [1893] 2 QB 232; 9 TLR 471; 62 LJQB 559; 69 LT 481 United Kingdom 30 May 1893 CommonLII flag 81
Barnardo v McHugh [1891] UKLawRpAC 42; [1890] UKLawRpKQB 174; [1891] AC 388; [1891] 1 QB 194 United Kingdom 4 Dec 1890 CommonLII flag 38
R v Nash [1883] UKLawRpKQB 12; (1883) 10 QBD 454 United Kingdom 14 Feb 1883 CommonLII flag 20
R v Hopkins and Wife [1806] EngR 227; 7 East 579; 103 ER 224 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1806 CommonLII flag 12
R v Moses Soper [1793] EngR 1473; 5 TR 278; 101 ER 156 United Kingdom circa 1793 CommonLII flag 13
Re Ullee 54 LT 286 United Kingdom flag 3
20 VLR 390 20 VLR 390 Australia - Victoria flag 1
17 Ilt 7-2 17 ILT 7-2 Republic of Ireland flag 1

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