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Ex parte Murphy   flag 

[1901] ArgusLawRp 81; (1901) 7 ALR 202
Argus Law Reports
9th September, 1901

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Supreme Court Act 1890 (Vic)
Vermin Destruction Act 1890 (Vic)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd v McCaskill [1897] ArgusLawRp 127; 3 ALR 217 Argus Law Reports Australia 21 Sep 1897 AustLII flag 3
Local Government Act 1890 (No 1112), sec 428 - Vermin Destruction Act 1890 (No 1153), sec 58 [1900] ArgusLawRpCN 107; (1900) 6 ALR (CN) 70 Argus Law Reports, Current Notes Australia 2 Oct 1900 AustLII flag 2
R v Marine Board of Victoria Ex parte Forbes [1898] ArgusLawRp 154; (1899) 5 ALR 29 Argus Law Reports Australia 16 Nov 1898 AustLII flag 2
Sutherland v Cooley; Harris and Telford, Claimants [1898] ArgusLawRp 117; [1898] VicLawRp 93; (1898) 24 VLR 410; 4 ALR 245 Argus Law Reports Australia - Victoria 19 Sep 1898 AustLII flag 7
15 AC 506 15 AC 506 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 31
19 VLR 286 19 VLR 286 Australia - Victoria flag 4

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