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In Re the New Par Consols Ltd (No 2)   flag  10

[1898] UKLawRpKQB 47; (1898) 1 QB 669
United Kingdom
18th March, 1898

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Kirk v Industrial Relations Commission of NSW (S106/2009) - Note on the jurisdiction of the NSW Courts around the time of federation [2009] HCASCF 119 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 30 Sep 2009 AustLII flag
District Court v Attorney-General [1992] CKNZCA-23 12 2014 4 [1992] CKNZCA 3 Court of Appeal of the Cook Islands Cook Islands 18 Dec 1992 PacLII flag
Auckland District Court v Attorney-General [1992] NZCA 239; [1993] 2 NZLR 129; (1992) 9 CRNZ 344 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 18 Dec 1992 NZLII flag 82
Sia v Amasia [1981] SBHC 11 High Court of Solomon Islands Solomon Islands 27 May 1981 PacLII flag
R v Judge Martin; Ex parte Attorney-General [1973] VicRp 33; [1973] VR 339 Australia - Victoria 26 Oct 1972 AustLII flag 18
Cameron v Cole [1944] HCA 5; (1944) 68 CLR 571; [1944] ALR 130; 13 ABC 141; (1944) 17 ALJR 397 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 23 Mar 1944 AustLII flag 611
R v Hobart Corporation; Roman Catholic Church Trustees, Ex p 14 Tas LR 115 Australia - Tasmania 22 Nov 1918 AustLII flag 1
R v Wallace; Ex parte O'Keefe [1917] ArgusLawRp 130; [1917] VicLawRp 109; [1918] VLR 285; 24 ALR 123; 39 ALT 199 Argus Law Reports Australia - Victoria 17 Dec 1917 AustLII flag 13
Wells v Carew SC Dunedin [1900] NZGazLawRp 100; (1900) 2 GLR 414 New Zealand Gazette Law Reports New Zealand 15 Aug 1900 NZLII flag
Skinner v Northallerton County Court Judge [1898] UKLawRpKQB 169; (1898) 2 QB 680 United Kingdom 5 Nov 1898 CommonLII flag 6

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
R v the Judge of the County Court of Surrey [1884] UKLawRpKQB 116; (1883-1884) 13 QBD 963 Queen's Bench United Kingdom 30 May 1884 CommonLII flag 6

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