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Farrar v Cooper   flag  3

[1890] UKLawRpCh 46; (1890) 44 Ch D 323
Court of Chancery
United Kingdom
14th March, 1890

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Shire of Wannon v Riordan [1955] VicLawRp 25; [1955] VLR 413; [1955] ALR 1066 Australia - Victoria 10 May 1955 AustLII flag 7
Sneddon v Kyle [1902] NSWStRp 39; (1902) 2 SR (NSW) Eq 112; 19 WN (NSW) 182 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 14 May 1902 AustLII flag
Richardson v Methley School Board [1893] UKLawRpCh 114; (1893) 3 Ch 510 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 21 Jul 1893 CommonLII flag 2

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Farrar v Cooper Kekewich, J [1890] F 326 circa 1890 1
London and Blackwall Railway Co v Cross [1886] UKLawRpCh 7; (1885) 31 Ch D 354; 368 Coop G 195 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 12 Jan 1886 CommonLII flag 43
North London Railway Co v Great Northern Railway Co [1883] UKLawRpKQB 111; (1883) 11 QBD 30 Queen's Bench United Kingdom 9 Jun 1883 CommonLII flag 72
Hedley v Bates [1880] UKLawRpCh 21; 13 Ch D 498 United Kingdom 23 Jan 1880 CommonLII flag 12
Piercy v Young [1879] UKLawRpCh 352; 14 Ch D 200 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 17 Dec 1879 CommonLII flag 22
Beddow v Beddow [1878] UKLawRpCh 151; (1878) 9 Ch D 89; 47 LJCh 588 United Kingdom 17 Apr 1878 CommonLII flag 38
Maunsell v Midland Great Western Ireland Railway Co [1863] EngR 752; 1 H & M 130; 71 ER 58 United Kingdom circa 1863 CommonLII flag 3

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