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Czech v General Steam Navigation Co   flag  17

[1867] UKLawRpCP 80; LR 3 CP 14; 37 LJCP 3
Court of Common Pleas
United Kingdom
9th November, 1867

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
Kelly v A/asian Steam Navigation Co [1885] NSWLawRp 54; 6 LR (NSW) 233; 2 WN (NSW) 40 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 8 Nov 1885 AustLII flag
Osborne v The Southern Insurance Co [1870] VicWABWRp 149; (1870) 1 Webb AB & W 201 Supreme Court of Victoria Australia - Victoria 8 Dec 1870 AustLII flag
Union Steamship Co of British Columbia v Drysdale (1902) 32 SCR 379 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 15 May 1902 Supreme Court of Canada flag
Grand Trunk Railway Co of Canada v McMillan (1889) 16 SCR 543 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 18 Mar 1889 Supreme Court of Canada flag
Grand Trunk Railway Co v Vogel (1886) 11 SCR 612 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 9 Mar 1886 Supreme Court of Canada flag
Commonwealth and Dominion Line Ltd v Laery Beveridge and Co Ltd [1927] NZGazLawRp 125; [1928] NZLR 141; (1927) 28 GLR 539 New Zealand Gazette Law Reports New Zealand 10 Sep 1927 NZLII flag 1
M'Nally v Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Co [1880] IELawRp 137 8 LRI 81 Republic of Ireland 15 Dec 1880 BAILII flag 3
Price & Co v the Union Lighterage Co [1904] UKLawRpKQB 12; (1904) 1 KB 412 United Kingdom 25 Jan 1904 CommonLII flag 12
Steinman & Co v Angier Line Ltd [1891] UKLawRpKQB 56; [1891] 1 QB 619 United Kingdom 9 Apr 1891 CommonLII flag 9
Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China v the Netherlands India Steam Navigation Co Ltd [1883] UKLawRpKQB 5; 10 QBD 521 Queen's Bench United Kingdom 17 Jan 1883 CommonLII flag 29
Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China v the Netherlands India Steam Navigation Co Ltd [1882] UKLawRpKQB 38; (1881-1882) 9 QBD 118 Queen's Bench United Kingdom 24 Mar 1882 CommonLII flag 3
Charles Moore and Berry Moore and David Harris [1876] UKLawRpAC 17; (1875-1876) 1 AC 318 United Kingdom 7 Apr 1876 CommonLII flag
Mitchell v Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Co [1875] UKLawRpKQB 19; (1874-1875) LR 10 QB 256 United Kingdom 22 Apr 1875 CommonLII flag
Freedom (No 1), The [1869] UKLawRpAE 2 United Kingdom 27 Jan 1869 CommonLII flag
Cunningham v Colvils, Lowden, & Co [1888] ScotLR 26_249 United Kingdom - Scotland 21 Dec 1888 BAILII flag
Dobbie v Williams [1884] ScotLR 21_667 United Kingdom - Scotland 27 Jun 1884 BAILII flag
Compania de Navigacion la Flecha v Brauer 168 US 104; 42 L Ed 398; 18 SCt 12 United States Supreme Court United States 25 Oct 1897 WorldLII flag 20

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