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Dancker v Porter   flag 

[1862] VicWWRp 108; (1861-1862) 1 Wyatt & W (Eq) 313
Supreme Court of Victoria
Australia - Victoria
13th November, 1862

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Nash v Calder [1847] EngR 903; 136 ER 843; (1847) 5 CB 177 United Kingdom circa 1847 CommonLII flag 4
Esdaile, Public Officer of the London and Westminster Bank v Maclean [1846] EngR 70; 153 ER 854; (1846) 15 M & W 277 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1846 CommonLII flag 2
Coleman v Rackham [1844] EngR 386; 67 ER 347; (1844) 3 Hare 184 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1844 CommonLII flag 2
Dalton v Hayter [1844] EngR 420; 7 Beav 313; 49 ER 1085 Rolls Court United Kingdom circa 1844 CommonLII flag 6
Between William Evans, John Evans, and Thomas Finnemore Evans, on the part of Themselves, and all other Members or Partners of the French Brandy Distillery Co, except the Defendants, Plaintiffs; and Henry Stokes, Richard Cuerton the Elder, John Gore, Charles Smith (out of the jurisdiction), John Bailey, William Thompson, John Thomas Betts, Richard Cuerton the Younger, and Richard Taylor, Defendants [1836] EngR 351 United Kingdom circa 1836 CommonLII flag 13
Campbell v Mackay [1836] EngR 287; (1835-1836) 7 Sim 564; 58 ER 954; 1 My & Cr 603 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1835 CommonLII flag 12
Smith v Brooksbank [1834] EngR 880; 58 ER 743; (1834) 7 Sim 18 United Kingdom circa 1834 CommonLII flag 6
Walburn v Ingilby [1833] EngR 952; 1 My & K 61; 39 ER 604 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1833 CommonLII flag 9
Blain v Agar [1826] EngR 1175; 1 Sim 37; 57 ER 492 United Kingdom circa 1826 CommonLII flag 7
140 Sim 69 140 Sim 69 United Kingdom flag 1
25 So N01 25 So N01 United States flag 1
11 Ves 443 11 Ves 443 United Kingdom flag 1
8 Swanst 189 8 Swanst 189 United Kingdom flag 1
7 Dowl 199 7 Dowl 199 United Kingdom flag 3
5 Hare 509 5 Hare 509 Court of Chancery United Kingdom flag 7
5 De GM & GBy 911; 2 Sim 369 5 De GM & GBy 911; 2 Sim 369 United Kingdom flag 6
3 Beav 287 3 Beav 287 Rolls Court United Kingdom flag 1
3 Beav 2M 3 Beav 2M Rolls Court United Kingdom flag 1
2 Hare 671 2 Hare 671 Court of Chancery United Kingdom flag 1
1 Ves Jr 468 1 Ves Jr 468 Court of Chancery United Kingdom flag 1
1 Moo & P 26 1 Moo & P 26 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom flag 1
1 Mac & G 699 1 Mac & G 699 Court of Chancery United Kingdom flag 1

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