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John Joseph Quane,-Appellant; Mary Ann Quane,-Respondent   flag 

[1852] EngR 735; 14 ER 25; (1852) 8 Moore PC 63
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United Kingdom

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1883) LR 10 Ind Apps 180 (1883) LR 10 Ind Apps 180 India circa 1883 flag 2
In the Matter of the Petition of Thomas Kennedy Ramsay [1870] EngR 45; (1870) 7 Moore PCCNS 263; 17 ER 100; 1870 LR 3 PC 434 Privy Council United Kingdom circa 1870 CommonLII flag 2
Laurence McDermott,-Appellant; The Hon Joseph Beaumont, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of British Guiana, and the Hon Robert Crosby Beete, first Puisne Judge,-Respondents [1868] EngR 27; 5 Moore PCCNS 466; 16 ER 590; 1868 LR 2 PC 362 Privy Council United Kingdom circa 1868 CommonLII flag 6

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