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Emery v The Alderman and Capital Burgesses of Malmesbury   flag 

[1842] EngR 20; (1842) 3 QB 577; 114 ER 628
United Kingdom

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Thornton v Illingworth [1824] EngR 209; 107 ER 589; (1824) 2 B & C 824 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1824 CommonLII flag 2
Ta lmer v Smnrt 6 B & C 6021 Kings Bench United Kingdom flag 2
4 UT 4 4 UT 4 Utah Supreme Court United States - Utah flag 8
Yen v Fmraker 2 Burr 1099 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 16
Eegim v Fall 1 QB 6361 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 2

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